Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I shouldn't need to say this.

 The beating death of Tyree Nichols was a horribly tragic event with no apparent reason.  The 5 ex cops have been handled reasonably appropriately and will be tried and likely convicted.    The event, and the response seems pretty cut and dried and appropriate.  

Yet, the response of the left doesn't seem quite right.  But that's another post for another time. 


Marshal Art said...

The response from the left is the typical response we always get from the left. Another exploitation of tragedy to push their vile agenda. I'll just leave it there.

Craig said...

As is to be expected. What's interesting is how quickly the story has disappeared from the MSM, clearly black cops killing a black guy where the city acted swiftly and decisively to punish them doesn't help the narrative.

Marshal Art said...

But hey...let's call it white racism anyway, right?

Craig said...

Yes, that is one of the things I want to dig into at some point. We've been told that black folks can't be racist, yet they want to blame these black folks for racism. I'm seeing quite a few people who are getting close to denying that these guys don't have agency and responsibility for their actions.

Marshal Art said...

Tucker Carlson ran a montage of leftist talking heads claiming black people can be white racists, too. Apparently that's why they're killing each other. It has absolutely nothing to do with a lack of character or respect for human life. Evidently there are self-loathing black people the way Dan and his troll are self-loathing haters of white people.

I'd still like to get more info about what led these cops to get so riled up over this guy. Something's missing regardless of whether or not it makes a difference to the criminality of their actions.

Craig said...

Yes, it's always interesting when the left has to contradict it's previously stated positions in order to shove an incident like this into it's narrative.

It wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't something missing, but I can't imagine what could justify them not simply restraining him instead of beating him to death.

Marshal Art said...

Naturally. They outnumbered him quite a bit. It would have to be something truly egregious on the part of the dead guy to have provoked such a police response. So yeah, I'm guessing this group of cops are scum, but still...does even scum act like that without some provocation?

This is another case of releasing just enough info (video in this case) to incite morons, when they could have waited until all relevant info can be reported as well. I don't see how most people would have a problem with such a policy. Then, the images would not have inflamed passions to the same degree, because there would have been something to explain how it all came to pass as it did. Without all the details, the usual suspects jump to conclusions, or simply choose to conclude in a manner they can exploit.

Craig said...


I'm not saying that they weren't provoked, but part of the job as a cop is to resist provocation. I've seen some reports that these cops were hired under a diversity program and that they didn't meet the standards for cops outside of the program which might be a part of this. I've also seen (but not investigated) reports that the victim was involved with one of the cops ex, which puts this in a completely different light.

I agree that there will likely be more details coming, but as a reasonable person, I can see no reason why this guy should be dead. If he was actually threatening them with something, then they could have shot or tased him. But to take their time and beat someone to death, suggests something else.

The reality is that because this was black cops/black victim, the usual suspects are going to ignore this like it's radioactive. It doesn't fit the narrative, and the attempt to create a different narrative wasn't effective.

Marshal Art said...

Don't get me wrong. I don't excuse the behavior of these scumbags. Not for a second. My only point was that even with such as these, there must have been something to set them off which someone like myself would not likely perpetrate. But once done, the rest then takes place.

It should also be kept in mind that he didn't die until in the hospital. If they intended to kill him, he'd have been dead at the scene before the ambulance arrived. This is an important point for legal purposes and among the charges are those which require intent.


The problem here is that to charge these guys improperly may result in their being exonerated. That may still result in no worse than dismissal (though a civil case may be brought). If the author could have described problems with the charges, I would suggest they rushed it without proper thought.