Thursday, January 12, 2023

Over Taxed, and Lied To

 For the last couple of years the state of MN has had a massive (and growing more massive) "surplus" in the state budget.   For most rational people this would mean that taxes would be lowered for everyone, and that the "surplus" would be returned to it's rightful owners.  Especially in a state that is one of the most taxed states in the country.    One could argue that some of this "surplus" should be saved for the proverbial rainy day, and I'd agree that saving some would be prudent, IF taxes are lowered and the rest returned to taxpayers.   Governor Walz promised us that he would give us "Walz checks" of a nominal amount before the recent election as a way to bribe people with their own money to vote for him.   Shockingly, it worked.   But, now that he's in power with DFL majorities in both houses of the legislature, there are discussions about how to spend this "surplus" that: 1) Don't involve lower taxes or refunds, and 2) Do involve new programs that will require increased public spending long after this "surplus" is gone.   It's essentially a bait and switch.   We'll use the "surplus" to provide free school lunches for everyone, so that when the "surplus" runs out the free lunch will be established and will require more taxation.   Clearly the entire conversation around this "surplus" is based on lies.

The notion that this is a "surplus", as opposed to simply overtaxing people is absurd.

The notion that this "surplus" should be used to start programs that will require tax increases in perpetuity is simply lying to people.

The fact that Walz promised "Walz Checks" and isn't even discussing them is just one more blatantly false campaign promise that he'll never be held accountable for.  

We're seeing incontrovertible evidence that "tax and spend" is an incredibly accurate description of the DFL.

The very notion that a state would over tax it's citizens for years and then spend the money (and more) instead of returning it to the taxpayers is disgusting.   

Why would any rational person continue to vote for those who consistently lie, and who over tax their constituents?  

Unfortunately, those who'll benefit from these new spending programs are those who (coincidentally) don't pay significant amounts of income tax.  And even if we do get some nominal refund of excess taxes, it will be the same amount regardless of how much tax people actually paid.     Just one more way to confiscate from those who earn, and give to those who don't.   


It'll be too bad, but the DFL is determined to turn MN into one more state where those who produce are gradually pushed out, while those who consume will continue to demand more from the government trough. 

Fortunately, my exit strategy is pretty much all planned. 


Marshal Art said...

Glad to hear you're getting out. To another snow heavy state? You seem to enjoy winter activities. I do, too, if it means drinking wine inside by the fire.

While it's a beautiful thing for your state to have a budget few's insanely unfortunate you have a Dem government who salivates at the thought of having more OPM to waste and use to bribe the stupid. It's clearly theft, as no government should seek more reasons to spend, especially when they are trying to implement that which will be regarded as another entitlement for which they'll need to increase taxes. I wouldn't stop loudly bitching and moaning, to my reps, the media and especially, to everyone I know who voted for those jackasses.

Craig said...

At this point, I think we'll probably head to Utah. It's a nice balance of seasons, and things to do and is much more sane when it comes to government. It'd be better if it wasn't crawling with Mormons, but no place is perfect.

I'd rather have a surplus than a deficit, and I think that it's reasonable to save some of it, as well as to use it to pay off projects that were paid for with bonds or borrowed money. I might not object to some of the stuff they want to spend it on if it was a one time expenditure. But all they are doing is using this surplus to jump start an entitlement that will continue to take tax dollars forever It's much more about the fact that the DFL ran on returning the surplus to the taxpayers, and has done a complete 180 since they won.

Marshal Art said...

"It'd be better if it wasn't crawling with Mormons, but no place is perfect." 🤣🤣

I totally agree with your position on surpluses. Well said.

Craig said...

Yeah, the Mormon thing is pretty unavoidable out there.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Just gives you a chance to evangelize Mormons!