So the Uniparty put together a CR that is allegedly intended to keep the government open and provide disaster relief to hurricane victims. For some reason this needs to be a 1500 page bill made available right before the vote. Elon uses AI to summarize the bill, makes that summary public, and people freak. Somehow, a new football stadium for DC (3 billion) a @40% raise for congress, pandemic restrictions, and preventing future administrations from accessing house proceedings are all necessary to achieve the two stated goals.
Needless to say, those on the DFL side are annoyed that Elon made this information public and are insisting that the only possible way to keep government open and provide relief is to pass this specific bill. What a huge crock of shit. I'd be willing to bet that a sub 20 page bill that keeps the government funded at current levels for 3 months, and provides disaster relief could be written within a few hours and voted on. They don't want that, they want to hide a bunch of pork in a bill then while when it's pointed out. Of course, we've managed to survive government shutdowns in the past and will no doubt weather this one just fine, if it comes to that. Further, listening to the folks in WNC, it sounds like many of them would prefer that the government stay the hell out of things and stop forcing them to live in tents for the winter, and trying to condemn land that people have owned for years without adequate compensation. If they were that worried, why not pass a clean bill for aid weeks ago?
In short, this is all about trying to set as much ridiculous spending in stone before Trump assumes office, and making it difficult for him to undo what they've done. The republicans who are aiding and abetting this should be ashamed, the people voted for something different, and y'all are going with one more shot at the same old, same old.
In what I suspect is an effort to get revenge on Pelosi, Biden swerves into being right about something. We've seen congressmen benefit from insider information to make stock trades ahead of the market in order to make huge profits. For anyone else, this behavior would be illegal, but not congress. Pelosi is one of the worst examples of this, but she's not alone. Nor is this limited to one side of the aisle. I don't think that anyone has a problem with congressmen placing their investment accounts in some sort of blind trust, and that they should not be allowed to actively trade while in office. It would be absurd to expect them to liquidate their existing portfolios upon being sworn in. The likelihood of this passing seems slim, but it is absolutely the right move.
1. This is exatly what the APL/DFL is doing in the US. Providing addicts with what they need to feed their addiction.
2. This is the kind of healthcare system that the APL/DFL wants for the US. A system that simply allowed this girl to die of an OD with virtually no attempt to help her get clean.
After a meta analysis of over 30 studies, we learn what should be self evident. Faith and family play a huge role in achievement for minority students.
"My meta-analysis revealed that if an African American or Latino student was a person of faith and came from a two biological parent family, the achievement gap totally disappeared, even when adjusting for socioeconomic status."
For months/years people have been saying that the Trump charges were BS and that the Biden/Harris administration was using the courts to attack their challenger. Well, this is one more example of those charges going down the drain because the APL/DFL establishment was unable to find a prosecutor (I'm guessing that skin color played a role in her selection, as did the fact that she was a her) that was able to actually bring the charges, try the case, and get a verdict without disregarding the rules for those things. The explanation that is the lest bad is incompetence, which raises the question of the competence of the prosecutors in GA. The explanation that looks the worst is corruption, that the Biden/Harris administration and Fulton County simply colluded to bring false charges against Trump and to rig the trial to convict. Clearly, finding ethical democrat prosecutors seems like a challenge.
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