Thursday, June 6, 2024

False Narratives


A 20 minute video denying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was factual.   The "journalists" at all of the MSM outlets ran with this false narrative, with Leslie Stahl going so far as to attack Trump for talking bout the laptop.  

Well, the FBI just entered it as evidence in a court of law in the long delayed case against Biden.   They were quite clear that the laptop and it's contents were intact and unmolested.   

I'm not holding my breath for the apologies and retractions.  



Anonymous said...

Do you have any data? Empty claims that THE MSM!!!! are passing on a false narrative are just that. Empty claims.

Good, journalistic, rational thinkers know this.

Fear mongerers and con artists (and marks)? Not so much.


Marshal Art said...

I love how Dan excuses journalistic laziness when confronted with such serious charges as a political candidate conspiring with a foreign entity to influence an election. Perhaps what little journalism education Dan had never got to the part about getting the other side of the story. No. Dan contents himself with the side of the story favored by those who hate Trump with the same grace embracing vigor as he does, to the advantage of the party who is doing the real and serious lying. Being birds of a feather, all these liars stick together. Damn the truth. Damn justice. Damn the facts. Just get Trump, by whatever means necessary. Then, this scumbag Dan has the gall to disparage those who won't play along. What Dan defends are world class empty claims and he never once gave a flying rat's ass about seeing them supported by anyone who pushed them or reported them. There's no good, journalistic rational thinking. There's only scheming to defraud the public. That's what Dan regards as journalism.

Craig said...

I love how a 20 minute video of actual "journalists" and Biden administration staffers passing on information that is completely false isn't enough "proof" for him.

What's even funnier is that the letter they are so sure about literally never says what they claim it says.

The letter is quite clear about the fact that they have no proof that the laptop IS "Russian disinformation", they only claim that it is "similar" to other things they believe are "Russian disinformation".

Literally all of the reporting and Biden (who had to have known the Blinken had a hand in writing the letter), falsely reported what the letter actually said. Or at a minimum left out the disclaimers.

The very fact that Dan clings to the hope that the "Russia disinformation", "Russiagate", the Pizza thing, and the "Steele dossier" must be True has nothing to do with the evidence and everything to do with his inability to believe that his candidates would do bad things and his hatred for Trump.