Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Last weekend, Chuck Shumer in an attempt (I suppose) to appear more like an ordinary, average, guy, instead of an ancient, rich, white, politician, posted a picture of himself in front of a grill.  He was allegedly grilling for his family.   Yet the post was quickly removed as people pointed out how staged it was.   Anyone who's spent a bit of time in front of a grill knew quickly that this was bullshit.    The fact that Schumer actually thought that this staged photo was a good idea seems like a bit of a red flag in regards his competency. 


Marshal Art said...

And of course, it's just another Dem lying again.

Craig said...

The whole thing is a lie, and it got exposed and Shumer had to pull it down.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I think it must be mandatory to be a dedicated liar to be a member of the Demokrat party.

Marshal Art said...

I saw the pic and immediately mockery ensued. No visible flame emanating from the grill, and cheese laid upon raw beef patties.

What's most disturbing is how the Dems believe they need to posture as "just like us". Elizabeth Warren did it with her pronouncement she was going to have a beer. Another phony attempt.

Trump, on the other hand, has honest appeal to the general population as one of us despite being a rich dude. He doesn't need to keep reminding us where he's from, like Biden keeps talking about Scranton. Instead, he simply does the things we need and want. The Dems aren't like us because their policies don't help us, and if they were like us, it would be a clear to them as it always is to us.

Craig said...

This incident (don't forget the fully cooked hot dogs with raw burgers) demonstrates the fact that the elites (probably more on the left) are so far removed from the "regular folk" as to be unacquainted. This notion that grilling with one's family is merely a photo op shows us they they just don't get it.

It's why Biden has dozens of "origin myths" that he trots out depending on what the ethnicity of the crowd is. The problem with most of these elites is that they didn't earn their millions through work because they've never worked in the private sector, it's that they truly think that they deserve to rake millions off of their positions. Biden has hundreds of millions of dollars, and no one knows what he did to get it.

It's simply a costume they put on every 4 years.

FYI, my wife's Jeep (white Cherokee) might be named after Warren.