Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Well, this isn't particularly good news.  


Marshal Art said...

So it sounds that what we see when the Turd-In-Chief is out in public is no better when he's behind closed doors. While I have no dislike for WSJ enough to reject the thought of paying to read their articles, I am far more cognizant of my spending since Trump-haters and Dem cheaters put this shit-for-brains in office. In short, I didn't read the article. But I can imagine the truths found therein about how incredibly unfit for office this guy is mentally, without considering his corruption and the obvious stupidity displayed in over 50 years of public "service".

Craig said...

I agree with the paywall thing. What seems significant is that the WSJ is writing the article at all. The MSM has been very protective of Biden and this looks like the first crack in the defenses.

Biden's long history of lies, plagiarism, gaffes, and strange behavior should be ample warning that he's not in tippy top shape.

Craig said...


Given the fact that the WSJ is one of the media outlets you "revere" because of their excellence in journalism, I can only assume that you concur with their reporting in the story linked above.