Saturday, January 20, 2018

What is it about...

What is it about the debate on immigration that lends itself to blatantly false claims.

Two come immediately to mind.

1.  The existence of a “Muslim ban”, I’ve asked in vain for evidence of this alleged ban, yet those questions have gone unanswered for months.

2.  The existence of a “closed border policy”, I’ve asked for evidence that there is anyone advocating for this, and shockingly, gotten no answer.

I guess it’s more about pushing a narrative, rather than speaking the truth.

PS, it appears that the whole DACA excuse for the shutdown was just that.  A cynical ploy to exert leverage in January using something that doesn’t end until March.

Truth is clearly a casualty here.


Marshal Art said...

Chalk the DACA sham as just another lefty lie, suitable for my post on the subject, as are your two claims you list. It's how the lefties operate. The use inflamatory rhetoric to appeal on an emotional level to two groups:

--Those who don't pay attention.

--Those who fear being negatively regarded by those who don't pay attention.

Craig said...

It’s interesting that the way the left chooses to fight “lies”, is to make up stuff that’s easily checked out and pretending that it’s true.