Wednesday, April 11, 2018

70 million dollar question

If you had $70,000,000.00 and could only spend it to improve one aspect of life in Africa, what one thing, problem, or program would you deem most pressing?


Marshal Art said...

Africa's a big place. The first thing that comes to mind is to wipe out corruption that oppresses the people by whatever means necessary.

Craig said...

That’s reasonable, we’ll see if anyone else has anything.

Marshal Art said...

To elaborate a bit, so long as corruption exists, particularly to the degree it does in several areas of the continent, there is no way they'll be able to generate value to the rest of the world. Most poor countries are poor because they aren't able to create and from that creating generate income. They must produce, and for a land mass that supposedly has natural resources, they don't produce much. Giving them financial aid is useless when so much of it is going to enrich the corrupt rulers rather than to go develop something that is self-sustaining. Thus, the first order of business is probably to do away with the corrupt rulers.

Craig said...

I don’t disagree about corruption being an issue. I doubt it’ll happen, but I’m interested in getting more answers before I go much further.

Craig said...

I was hoping Dan might pop up from his hole and share his wisdom, but maybe not.

Let’s just say, that of all the possible things to spend 70 million on that would improve the plight of Africans, the (priveledged, white, European, government/ngo) left. Thinks that food, clean water, reducing corruption, education, micro loans, agronomy, are less important than condoms/birth control/abortion.