Friday, April 13, 2018

This is absolutely hilarious

The organizers of the Free Glasgow Pride Parade, have banned drag queens because they don’t want to offend men who mistakenly think they’re women.  

Ah, it’s funny to watch the “tolerant, inclusive” left become more intolerant and exclusive.


Craig said...

As is the Chick-fil-a imbroglio in New York. I dare anyone to replace Chick-fil-a with Halal market or kosher deli and Christian with Muslim or Jewish.

Stan said...

Incredible! And at the same time the story is circulating that "Bearded diva Conchita Wurst says she's HIV-positive." "She"? Isn't that the same offense to "trans" people? (He's got a beard for Pete's sake.) Why is it that diversity and inclusiveness ends up so narrow with these people?