Sunday, April 15, 2018


 There is a thread that runs through scripture quite literally from Genesis to Revelation that says with varying degrees of clarity that well humans were created to be very good, as a result of the fall humanity yes saddled with a sinful nature. That our very nature, rebels against God.  That our good works, are just like filthy rags.    But now we see if the man that all of these references, every single one of them, must be taken figuratively. We see the argument put forth that even though Jesus used the word good that he didn’t really mean good. That he meant something else entirely.

It seems incredibly odd to claim that one is being humble by saying “Look  look at me and my friends, and look at all the wonderful good thing is we do. Because we are such good people. “

That seems like such a contrast from Jesus telling us that by ourselves and nothing is possible, but through God everything is possible.

 And I can’t help but wonder, if we spent less time congratulating ourselves on how good we are, and more time thinking about obeying God, If our sense of self importance and proportion might not be affected for the better.

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