Saturday, April 14, 2018

More silence

It's interesting that the left is vociferous when attacking the sexual peccadilloes of those they disagree with, and bizarrely the complete and total lack of sexual peccadilloes from Mike Pence.

Yet, a liberal nationally known pastor steps down from his role over an apparent pattern of inappropriate sexual behaviors, and those one phe progressive christian side of things say nothing.

Not surprising,  the left has been complaining about the Ted Kennedy movie also, the truth is difficult sometimes.


Marshal Art said...

Are you referring to Bill Hybel? This guy's mega-church is about 15-20 minutes from me. I've known many, many people who attend his Willow Creek Church, but I've never even felt the slightest urge to check the church out. I remember Hank Hanegraaff criticizing something about Hybel and that never left me for some reason (though the actual reason for the critique did). But I've never considered whether the guy is liberal or not (if he's indeed the guy you have in mind). I must say, however, I as suspicious of these allegations as I am all the others. It's all the rage to "come out" and tell one's tale of having been sexually harrassed/abused/assaulted by some notable public figure. I kinda feel left out. I've not been accused and I have no one to accuse.

Craig said...

Art, yes. Hybels has done some good things over his years in Ministry and all things considered I don’t have any more issues with Willow than with a lot of other churches.

Having said that, I do believe at least some of the charges have merit. I also believe that the issue is less the sexual impropriety as the ego and power that brought it on and made the process so poor.

As far as political and theological bent, he’s been moving left for years, although slowly.

I actually respect the fact that he was able to be convinced to step down, and actually did so.

The issue for me is, f this had been Franklin Graham, you know that Dan and his ilk would have been out for blood.

Although Dan’s so far left he probably considers Bill a conservative.

Marshal Art said...

Dan may also not think of Hybels anymore than I do, to be fair. I don't have any idea of whether or not the man is the type, but I do know that I'm just really tired of hearing these allegations. At least I'd like to hear one that is case of a person being so assaulted coming right out immediately regardless of personal ramifications and taking care of business.

Craig said...

1. Ontology is what people are in their nature. It’s how we’re wired.
2. Humanity is ontologically sinful, it’s our nature. I know you prefer the term “bent to sin”, but it’s how we are. All one has to do is look at the reality of our society to see that sin in the norm.
3. Just because we are not ontologically “good” doesn’t mean that we are incapable of doing “good”. For example, Trump has been awarded by Jesse Jackson (among others) for good things he’s done. Does that fact make him a “good” person? You referenced Mother Theresa earlier, if you’ve read any of her writings you’d notice that she wouldn’t necessarily call herself “good”. Or, have you not ever experienced people doing “good” things with bad motives? What makes them “good”, their actions or their motives?
4. In context, why is the guy asking Jesus about this? He’s asking because he wants “eternal life”. He’s asking what HE can do to earn eternal life. Jesus’ answer is that there is nothing HE can do to inherit “eternal life”.
5. In the context of inheriting “eternal life”, are you really suggesting that the “good” acts these people have done merit “eternal life”? Are you really suggesting that these folks can earn their way to “eternal life”
6. I have no idea, and would be surprised if I can get an answer regarding your views on “eternal life”. But, it’s the context of the passage and it’s clear that the guy believed it was a thing, and Jesus was pointing him to it as well.
7a. Your misunderstanding of Total Depravity isn’t helpful, perhaps you should research it before you automatically dismiss it.
7b. Unless you are capable of infallibly reading and understand the motives behind every act other people do, you can’t authoritatively comment on anything other than what can be observed. If you can demonstrate the actual motives behind people’s actions please do so, at best all you have is assumptions.
8. I’d point to the scriptural support for the actual concept of total depravity, but it would be a waste of my time.
9. Only you could try to spin you deleting multiple comments answering your ONE (really multiple, but you pretend it’s just ONE) questions, into me being silent. Fortunately, I’ve kept the relevant deleted comments to prove what the reality is.