Sunday, June 17, 2018

Children are a gift

I just saw one of my radical leftist Facebook friends post the verse from Psalms saying that “Children are a gift from The Lord”, as a prooftext to demonstrate how horrible Trump is.

As a father, who is incredibly grateful to be able to celebrate both of my sons today, I firmly agree with this sentiment.  

But, when the concern for these “gifts from The Lord”, only extends to the trendy political issue of the day y’all lose me.

If children are truly a “gift from The Lord”, how could you possibly justify and celebrate aborting these “gifts from The Lord” and throwing them out with the garbage.

If the goal of all this posting, is to convince people to agree with you, your lack of consistency, and selective use of scripture isn’t helping you achieve that goal.

The damage to these “gifts from the Lord”, that happens as a result of divorce (which the left, champions, defends, and celebrates) strikes me similarly.  

I’m sorry, but if you literally believed that “children are a gift from The Lord”, why not be consistent?

1 comment:

Craig said...

The verse quoted also says that children are a “blessing”. What does it say when we take the “gift” the The Lord gives as a “blessing”, and treat those gifts as if they have no value, or are an inconvenience.

FYI, this isn’t so much a post about abortion as it is about how painful it is to see people praise Planned Parenthood while raising up children as a “gift” or “blessing” from The Lord.