Thursday, March 7, 2019


If you’re going to publicly characterize what you think I meant, do me the courtesy of asking if you’re not clear.


Marshal Art said...

Ironically and hypocritically, if you're referring to Dan, he has whined for years about not being understood and insisting all who don't (as if anyone really doesn't) should ask him for clarification. Just one more rule he lays down for others that he doesn't abide himself.

Craig said...

I know. He just took one paragraph I wrote out of context, then twisted it to suit his narrative. I’d reply there, but the chance of triggering his delete reflex is too high.

He’s done this to himself.

Craig said...

It's interesting that the two things most responsible for most of the "progress" these folx crow about are Christians and capitalism.

Craig said...

“Progressivism is a Jewish man apologizing to an anti-Semite for calling out her anti-Semitism. Absolutely nauseating.“

Marshal Art said...

What constitutes "progress" is often quite a subjective thing. What counts as "progress" by a "progressive" is even more so. To say this at Dan's would result in him listing things upon which few would disagree, ignoring all that he falsely labels as such.

Craig said...

I guess they hand is just deleting my comments out of hand at this point. On the upside, he’s not lying about them.