Saturday, March 2, 2019

This for the win.

“There is a pro-Trump cult that would defend him if he shot a random person on 5th Avenue. There is an anti-Trump cult that would attack him if he found the cure for cancer. Most Americans don’t belong to either of these groups, but the political coverage is dominated by them.
There are obvious short-term benefits to pundits and publications trying to appeal to one of those cults, but there are also long-term consequences. Defining yourself strictly by your views on Trump will inevitably lead to a huge credibility gap post-Trump.“

A lot of people on both sides have completely redefined their politics, ideology, and principles to center it all around Trump — whether in support or opposition. What are these people going to do when he leaves office? Evaporate?
Of course, I know what they’re really going to do. They’re going to try and reclaim some semblance of an individual identity again, some vestige of principles and unique opinion, and hope the rest of us will just forget the last few years ever happened.“

My cousin was Philando Castile. Stop using him to justify BLM. Black lives don’t matter to you when we get aborted and they don’t mater to you when we shoot our own people in the streets. Expanding the government means more police killings. Y’all actually love it when we die huh?”

Morgan Chambers 

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