There’s an ongoing conversation about the character of the president. I’ve saud this before, but I’ll repeat it here.
I’ll never vote for a president who’s had affairs. If someone can’t take their wedding vows seriously, why should I believe they’ll take their oath of office seriously.
I couldn’t vote for Hillary because she has a history of lying, I couldn’t vote for Trump because he had a history of lying.
There are more reasons why I wouldn’t vote for Trump, but he failed those two and that’s enough.
I agree with a pastor who said that they hired people with good character, then trained them how to do the job. In other words, I’ll virtually always support character over “qualifications”.
Finally, Trump is reflecting societal mores, not leading them. He hasn’t said anything worse than any number of Hip Hop artists.
Affairs and divorce are spectator sports, not cause for grief.
It wasn’t that long ago that we had people making excuses for a president who lied under oath.
Yes Trump is a person of bad character, that’s why I couldn’t vote for him.
We live in a society where roughly 80% of men watch porn.
Where 55% of men cheat on their wives.
Where the divorce rate for a first marriage is 41% , second is 60%, and third is 73%.
We live in what Psychology Today called the "Post Truth" era. Where the term "my truth", is becoming commonplace. Where postmodern relativism is a popular philosophy.
We live in a society where popular art forms either drive or reinforce most of the above.
The primary complaints about Trump are the fact that he lies too much and that he demeans women, yet it looks like the data says that he's not alone, in fact that he represents a majority in our society.
Is Trump the problem, or is society?
It seems hard to argue that the increases in the above behavior have been influenced by a politically conservative worldview.
Unfortunately, while this question could lead to some interesting study, and discussion, it's mole likely that the anti-Trump crowd will just yell "Trump is evil." loudly, while sticking their fingers in their ears.
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Trump is a person of bad character. That's why I didn't vote for him in the primaries. To every Trump supporter I encountered during that period, I strongly encouraged them to pick another candidate (Cruz, mostly) because his low class character was apparent, and I was very concerned about his ability to perform the job of president.
Once he managed to win the GOP nomination, and Hillary had managed to screw Bernie out of a Dem win, there were only two candidates in the general election who had any real chance of becoming the 45th. Neither were of the Libertarian, Green or Communist parties, though I wouldn't have voted for anyone of those parties anyway. There was only Donald and Hillary...and there was no way in hell I could allow Hillary to become president, providing at least another four years of failed Obama-style policies and further damaging the nation as he had done.
As Craig said, both Trump and Clinton are liars. Hillary is clearly the worse of the two, because she's proven she is far more serious Obama proved of himself...than any of the petty and unnecessary lies that Trump tells far too often, and that has made liars like Dan Trabue and his hemorrhoid, feo, suffer from a bad case of the vapors. To lie to grieving parents about how their sons died has no parallel among any of the "lies" Trump has ever told, and Obama supported that lie as well.
It isn't a stretch to suggest that had Hillary been elected, the celebration of the Molech worshipers at the passing of a far more murderous abortion policy in New York would no doubt have taken place much earlier, and likely in more places. (I have to acknowledge the very real possibility that had Hillary won, we'd likely still have the House now and likely more Senate seats)
Clearly, my vote for Trump was a most righteous and justified, not to mention absolutely necessary, vote for the lesser of two evils. Since that time, when I held my nose and prayed to God that Trump wasn't what I feared he could very well be, I've been pleased to see how much the nation has benefited by his becoming our president. The scales weigh heavily on the side of good things that have resulted from his win and the bad side is really, really light thus far. The 8000+ alleged lies he's told (if you're going to believe a newspaper with it's own history of false reporting), his inarticulate extemporaneous speaking and the few questionable moves he's made policy-wise, don't come close to overcoming the benefits.
Indeed, I've tried without success to get Dan to come up with a "lie" of Trump's that was worth all the diaper soiling he continues to do, and so far he's provided nothing. I offer Obama's "you can keep your doctor" lie as a measure of seriousness. Dan not only minimizes the seriousness of this lie, but acts as if it is somehow of a common variety among politicians about which no one should be concerned. Yet even if that were true...and it ain't...Dan has yet to provide that one big-assed lie of Trump's that has altered the rotation of the earth. One would think there must be one like that by the way day goes on and on about it. I think he tried to use Trump's line about the press being the enemy of the people as the great horrific lie. Not sure. Dan isn't honest and courageous enough to truly defend his girlish outrage. He simply wants Trump to resign. But that wouldn't constitute a lie, anyway. It would only be Trump's opinion, and apparently, Trump isn't allowed to engage in rhetorical flourish and hyperbole to make a point.
Anyway, I'll get to Dan's bullshit at my own blog in time. There's so much fodder he provides. For now, I'll say this boldly and without a bit of shame: I will vote for Trump if he runs in 2020. If he does nothing worse than he's done thus far, there's be no justifiable reason to deny him a second term. He's been too good in his work as president, even if his "style" is objectionable...which it is, even to me. I'm just not a wussy about it, nor am I unreasonable about it. Dan's a freakin' fruitcake about it. I can't see, nor have I heard of any true conservatives considering a challenge to him. Kasich ain't a true conservative, and I don't think really conservative politicians would interfere in Trump's work so long as he continues doing what he's doing. Yeah, I'd love to see him clean up his act. Who wouldn't? But while he's been in office, he really gives no reason to drop my support and I'm still surprised (and still a bit apprehensive) with regard to his effectiveness.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention his more unsavory history. First of all, Dan continues to lie about Trump and the crotch grabbing. He can never refer to that incident in an honest way, and I've explained how it went down, even linking to the actual video of the actual interview to back up my explanation of the truth. But Dan continues to pervert that tale, because he really gets off on the thought of grabbing women by the crotch. But Trump never said he did it, never said he intends to. In any case, his cheating on his wives alone is a part of why I opposed him in the primaries. But he won the primaries and as I said, I had no choice but to vote for him. The option of not voting was a piss-poor option and too risky for one who claims to care about the nation. I do not buy into the argument that I am at odds with God over my decision to defend the nation by voting for this guy. That is, I have not at all sinned by doing so. My grandchildren have to live in this world. Hillary would have made it worse, just as Dems and other lefties are doing that all the time. Trump, for all his flaws, hasn't done so thus far and I defy anyone to argue otherwise. I didn't, and couldn't know that going in, but it's been the case now and hopefully will continue for the rest of his term and on into the next if he decides to carry on. Not voting and insisting that one is putting it in God's hands is totally lame. By that same token, as it is now in God's hands, it's been working out well and to stand by one's decision and again sit out the next election is even more lame...much more long as he doesn't do anything really stupid. There has been absolutely no hint of any sexual hi-jinks since he was elected. There's no reason to hold his past against him when he's performed so well since he was elected. At his age it may well be no longer an issue, so why continue to hold it against him? He hasn't "cheated" on us so far, has he? He's worthy of re-election based on his track record so far, despite his "lies" that are much ado about nothing when weighed against his accomplishments and the fact that no one's pointed to a lie that has mattered.
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