Thursday, February 28, 2019

Who knew?

Who knew that”Muslim” was a race?

Who knew that it would ever be problematic for a Christian to view someone as a sinner in need of the saving grace of Jesus.  


Marshal Art said...

I guess if one needs it to be...

Craig said...

What I find it strange, is that Jewish is much closer to being a definition of race than Muslim is, yet anti-Semitism tends to get a free pass. But being Muslim is somehow a race. I would be willing to guess, that Arab Muslims and the Persian Muslims don’t consider themselves the same race, but it’s OK for American liberals to do so.

Craig said...

When people don’t read comments carefully before they respond, their response tends to be stupid.

Stan said...

Look, Craig, if the UMC's vote (largely by African UMC delegates) to keep the ban on same-sex marriage and gay ordinations is a matter of "white nationalism", then "Muslim" could certainly be a race. You just need to carefully define your terms ... daily, if necessary.

Craig said...

That's a fair point. It seems to be true that the moral, orthodox, leadership of the Church is swinging toward Africa, just like people have been saying.

What's interesting to me is that the folx identifying Islam as a race are not Muslims themselves. They're american progressives who need Muslim to be a race so they can advance their narrative.

As I pointed out, try telling a Persian Muslim that they are the same race as a Somali Muslim.

Of course, let's ignore the racism and anti-Semitism that were seeing in the Somali immigrant community,