Monday, February 11, 2019

There ought to be a term for that.

As we look at the implosion of the democrat leadership in the state of VA, there are a number of things one can choose to take from this current debacle.   The one that is most surprising is the takeaway that concludes that the answer to the problem is to simply elect more women.

There is plenty about this simplistic notion that can be debated, but I want to focus on one acspect in particular.

The argument is based on age old gender stereotypes based on the notion of gender as fixed and binary.

Yet, we live in a world where that very concept of fixed, binary gender is under assault and the notion of making decisions based on these sorts of stereotypes is usually ridiculed.   We live in a world where men and women are purported to have no fundamental differences.  Where allegedly intelligent and rational folx are advocating that abortion should not be limited to biological females.  A world where men who are "transitioning" to women, dominate athletic competitions against women who's biology puts them at a physical disadvantage.   Where we see ads that espouse "girl power" and programs to encourage girls to enter careers that have traditionally been "male' careers.

Essentially, we have people who want to cling to old, outdated, binary gender stereotypes when those stereotypes will help them to advance their agenda, yet who argue that the stereotypes and the very existence of differences between genders don't actually exist.    What they want is the ability to argue opposite positions depending on which side is advantageous at a given moment, while simultaneously arguing the complete opposite position in a different context.  

Clearly, in the real world, two opposite ideas can't be true simultaneously, yet that what some folx want.

We need a name, or a #, that describes these folx without having to go through this lengthy explaination.

1 comment:

Craig said...

According to politico, the good folx in VA are going to give the racists and rapists a pass. Doesn’t surprise me that a bunch of southern democrats are staying true to their roots.