Thursday, February 21, 2019


Someone I know pretty well is involved in a project to rebuild trust in the news media.  I believe this to be a laudable goal and something worth the effort.

One thing I found interesting is that the distrust of the news media is virtually nonexistent at the local level, but very high at the national level. 

However, one thing I've noticed on this person's social media feed is the fact that when the conservative national media does something that they find problematic we see posts about it.  However, when the MSM goes overboard (Jussiegate, Covingtongate, etc.) we see nothing.

As someone who's undergrad education had a strong journalism focus, and who learned early that journalists should report the Who, What, When, Where, and How is as unbiased a manner as possible, I am all for anything tha helps the news media regain public trust.  

I just don't think that slanting things in a partisan manner is a great way to accomplish that.

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