Friday, February 8, 2019


If She Guevara gets her way, how will the billionaire elites flock to Davis every year?    Will they take the transoceanic trains?   Or the QE?   Hell, after taking all their money to rebuild (or retrofit), every single structure in the entire country, will billionaire elites even exist?  

I’m guessing that her Shiad against cows will cost her support from PETA and Hindus?  


Marshal Art said...

Could you post a link to whatever it you're referencing? There's so much goofy stuff about which so many have reported that it's hard to keep up with it all to get the references.

It has been demonstrated time and time again that we could take ALL the wealth of all the wealthy in this country and still be woefully short of what it needed to pay off our national debt. Yet still, idiots like Ocasio-Cortez believe the wealthy can be milked (and they'll allow it to continue without their leaving the country or changing how they do business to mitigate the great financial harm done to them) for new socialist ideas as well. Again, she and those like her, as stupid as they are, are not anywhere near as stupid as those who voted for them. God help us all.

Craig said...

Just google “green new deal” and you’ll find the idiocy in question.

It’s an absurd plan that wants to eliminate airplanes, farting cows, and to “retrofit” or replace every building in the country and then some.