Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Which is it?

“Believe all women.”   Or “F$&@ that b:;&h”.

The messages from the political left can be confusing.


Marshal Art said...

You have to go back beyond the presidential election to see the lefties expressing a totally opposite opinion than the adamant opposition they now spew with regard a border wall. But Weinstein, #MeToo, Kavanaugh? Those are like last week by comparison. Of course they're still backing Corey Booker...and they did next to nothing with regard to Keith Ellison. How can left-leaning women who suffered ever continue to support the Democratic Party, who plainly cares little about their suffering except as it serves their agenda?

Marshal Art said...

feo claims he's about to unveil his "plan" to reduce "gun violence". He's been booring over at Dan's (third post from the top). Entertaining stuff.

Craig said...

Well, it’s possible that he’ll offer a fully formed, detailed plan with terms defined, but I won’t hold my breath. I suspect it will boil down to some version of banning virtually every possible firearm with post 1800 technology.

Marshal Art said...

What it will be is just another burden on the law-abiding, while the criminals will ignore and carry on.

Craig said...

I suspect you’re right, but you never know.

Craig said...

It’s been pointed out the the there is a rash of top democrat officeholders in the state of VA are guilty of racist actions or credibility accused of sexual assault. Why does it surprise anyone that southern democrats are racist? As to the sex maniac, that’s the point of the post.

Yet silence on their support of a bill to extend “abortion” up to, and even after, birth.

Craig said...

I got some rambling disjointed drivel that claimed to be part one of a plan. I saw no details, no definitions, and no plan. Allegedly there will be other parts hidden other places. I’m not playing this infantile game.

Marshal Art said...

I got the same thing. It's actually "part 3", "the methodology". Perhaps he doesn't understand what "methodology" means. In any case, YOU have part 1, "the executive summary". What he just sent us seems more summary than anything else, and it still is greatly lacking in what either of us hoped to see.

Have you noticed his recent drivel at Dan's? It's the third post down. He's a really stupid man.

Craig said...

What I had didn’t summarize anything. I’ve followed the foolishness at Dan’s.

Feo, it’s not laziness. It’s just as easy to hit publish as delete. It’s the fact that I’m not playing your stupid game. I don’t go to the septic tank of festering hate and vitriol that is your “blog”, I’m not wasting time there now.

Craig said...

I suspect that this is a ploy, we post “parts 1&3” and “part 2” somehow never shows up. I don’t believe there is a “part 2”. Generally, the onus is on the maker of a particular claim, to support that claim. Not to force others to do so, or to play childish games. I know that Dan’s dodge is usually to deny that he even made a claim (or to focus on other things until he can run from the conversation.

For someone who pridefully harps on how intelligent he is, I’m shocked that it took months and months to come up with this childish ploy.

Marshal Art said...

As I understand it, "part 2" is the list of twenty suggestions I easily exposed as the idiocy they are over the course of two posts at my blog. You know...the 20 he says are laws that have somehow been proven effective at reducing "gun violence", though he never says how nor provides evidence to that effect. So, I have "part 2" posted...such as it is...and he sent, presumably both of us, "part 3". It's "part 1", the so-called "executive summary", that remains a mystery as he insists you have it somewhere.

Thus, it is a ploy. It's meant to disguise his abject failure to support his position, a position for which there is no legitimate defense, by posting that which doesn't in a way that continues to allow him to dictate and posture as intelligent, which he can't and which he most clearly isn't. Again, his boorish behavior is laughable. He must love spam, for that's what his attempts will soon become if he doesn't abide the terms his infantile behavior has brought down upon him. And by "soon", I mean within a day or two.

Craig said...

I deleted the gibberish that he claims to be “part one”, because it didn’t make any rational sense.

If the mysterious “part two” is simply regurgitating his list, without details and definitions, then it’s just more wastage of time.

Craig said...

I believe both accusers. But I guess the other option should now be “F### the B###hes”.