Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Even a blind pig...

Occasionally our pet blind pig finds an acorn.  I've pulled those out of an otherwise incoherent comment.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

"All we really need to do is love one another. If we love one another, then racism will fall from our hearts and minds."

I completely agree with this.  Unlike some who deny the very existence of objective, universal commandments in the Bible, I agree.   Where I start to wonder is when love get's defined to include uncritically accepting of anything others say or do, or encouraging people to engage in harmful behaviors while calling that encouragement "love".   I also have a hard time taking seriously anyone who talks about love, but doesn't practice what they preach.   But, I agree that the answer to all of our fallen sinfulness is love, specifically the love of Jesus.

"You can't make a better law than to love one another. Jesus said it himself: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments.... this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.""

Again, while this notion will confound the "we don't follow rules because there's a line in the Bible" crowd.  I completely agree that those who love God will keep all of His commandments.   By the same token those who love God probably won't look for excuses to deny the existence of or to obey all of God's commandments.

"Given what loving one another simply entails, it seems obvious that you have a very hard time loving anyone who is not like you and who doesn't follow your plan to control other people's lives and the way other people love."

Given that the swine in question has absolutely no basis from which to make this claim, as well as  having shown absolutely zero evidence that he's willing to hold himself to the same standard he holds others to, this claim of fact kind of destroys whatever good might have been said earlier.   As far as my "plan to control people", I've never once claimed to have such a plan, never put one forward, have no desire to control anyone.  

Maybe there's an aspect to love that includes lying about those you clearly don't love.


Marshal Art said...


How does one show love if one does not speak truthfully? When loving one another means enabling sin, that is neither truth nor love. Refusing to enable sin is not an attempt to control, but an effort to avoid being controlled. The Oregon and Colorado bakers, for example, are suffering attempts to control them for daring to speak the truth out of love for God.

Craig said...

This concept that “love” requires believing everything someone says because they’re “fill in the oppressed minority blank”, is quite strange. Should I believe Louis Farrakhan and his racist anti-Semitism just because he’s black? Should we automatically believe Mohammed Noor, only because of his skin color?

Jesus commanded love, no argument, but he also claimed to be “The Truth”. How can one love Jesus, but not love Truth?

I think this “believe all blacks because they’re black”, rhetoric fails when we see the number of blacks who are demonized when they stray from the liberal “plantation” (their words, not mine), while others get a pass no matter what they do.

Essentially the new standard is “believe OJ just because he’s black”.

Craig said...

It must take a lot of effort to misrepresent virtually every thing other people say. If the kind of comments I get, the vitriol Dan spews, the absolute vileness that liberal Twitter throws at conservatives, are how y’all show love then I want no part of it.

Paul talks a bit about love, and nowhere does he speak positively of vitriol, lies, expletives, vulgarities, or any of the examples that folx on the left set.

Dan Trabue said...

The shame is that you just are unable to see the true vulgarities you and your tribe spews so regularly and shamelessly. Shameless, of course, because you probably just are blinded to your particular vulgarity.

You appear to think that fuck, shit, poop, doody, pussy and dick are the vulgar words but making ridiculous false claims, demonizing good decent people, misrepresenting people's actual positions, etc, are somehow not vulgar.

Of course, the problem is probably that you've convinced yourselves that you understand our positions correctly and that you are correctly representing them, all the while NOT representing them correctly.

Self blindedness is a bastardly thing.

Craig said...

“Fuck you, you lying hypocrite. And fuck your blind leader.”

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

I want to thank the trolls for so perfectly demonstrating the point I was making.

These two paragons of love and Christlike behavior have once again their inability to hold themselves to the standards they expect from others.

Like I said, if what y’all are demonstrating is love then I have no desire to be a party to your warped version of love.

Heaven forbid I listen to/read the words you choose to use and use standard English rules of grammar, meaning and syntax to determine your meaning.

I do agree that it’s a problem when a choice is made to intentionally misrepresent others.

This concept of a love that embraces falsehood somehow being “truth”, is quite novel.

Craig said...


Just to clarify, I’m not offended by your juvenile regression to vulgar expletives, I’m used to your problems expressing yourself civilly.

My point is that you revel in this sort of language, and try to pass it off as love.

It’s not.

Craig said...

I want to apologize to the resident troll for assuming that his out of context, unsourced comment referred to me. I apologize for not hunting through multiple comments at multiple blogs to do what you should have done.

I apologize for attributing that particular bit of vitriol to you. It’s no wonder anyone with reasonably high standards lets you comment. The only way anyone but you sees your vitriol is to wade through the cesspool that is Dan’s blog at this point.

You must be very proud.

Craig said...

While I understand that now the troll is simply trying to provoke responses, I see no reasons to continue to publish more evidence of this warped, perverted, “love” he demonstrates.

Clearly it’s all he can do to copy/paste the words of Jesus, living out His commandments is just more than the poor troll can handle.

Craig said...

You know what they say about getting in a wrestling match with a pig? I’m trying to avoid that pitfall.