Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This’ll probably tick folx off.

We can’t applaud abortion, SSM, transgenderism, Hollywood filth, porn, and not expect satan to get a stronghold on our culture. We are reaping what we have sewn, and evil is now called good, and good is called evil. 

We can’t mock God and receive His blessings at the same time.”


Dan Trabue said...

Or this quote...

“The Bible says the powers that be are ordained of God, and God has instilled the power of civil government to send the police in 2019 out to these LGBT freaks and arrest them,” he said in the sermon, which was posted to Facebook. “Have a trial for them, and if they are convicted, then they are to be put to death ... do you understand that? It’s a capital crime to be carried out by our government.”

That will piss people off, too. And righteously so.

What arrogant fools.

Craig said...

I’m sure you think scouring the internet for some random quote is a helpful way to make off topic comments while leaving other threads hanging.

Well done.

Dan Trabue said...

Ha! The irony, the arrogance, the ignorance. It's just blinding.

Dan Trabue said...

By the way, clarify. What IS "on topic" for this post? It appears to me that the point is some radical quotes will make people angry. I cited another quote from a similar-sounding Fundamentalist type that will and shouldn't make people angry.

That seems on topic to me.

I suppose what's on topic, in your mind, is that conservatives like you know God best and people who disagree you can get angry because they disagree with God, or some sort of arrogant b******* like that. But you tell me.

Craig said...

Yes, what a radical quote. You can’t mock God and receive His blessings while you do.

Apparently my quote worked, yours didn’t.

An on topic comment would have actually engaged with the post, rather than trolling.

Dan Trabue said...

The arrogance in radical nature of the quote isn't the part about mocking God. It's about assuming that her opinions about what God thinks are the same as God's opinion. When people conflate their opinions with God's, they are being blasphemous. It is a way of mocking God. Which is bad. THAT part,
she got right.


Craig said...

Wow, you sure read a lot into the quote that wasn’t there.

I understand that you seem very confident that the author’s words are not consistent with God’s revelation to us. You seem to be suggesting that it’s a fact that the author isn’t “speaking for God.”, I’m sure you’ll be provided proof of that fact soon.

I guess I was right.

Dan Trabue said...

She literally said,

“We can’t applaud
Hollywood filth,
and not expect satan to get a stronghold on our culture.
We are reaping what we have sewn, and evil is now called good, and good is called evil."

She literally believes that people getting married is "evil," according to HER words. GOD DID NOT TELL HER THAT. Do you understand that? This is HER opinion, not "God's Word." Same for abortion, same for everything on her list.

And she is welcome to her opinion, but it IS an opinion and she should be clear about that. YOU should be clear about that.

The problem is, none of you all appear to recognize that reality. You have been SO swept up by your "traditions of men" that you believe your human traditions and God's Word are one in the same, and that this is a fact, not an opinion.

And that is the problem. Same problem the pharisees had, and it didn't work out so well for them.

Craig said...

So other that SSM, which of the things on that list do you feel like are beneficial to society? Which of those things does God smile on?

Did God tell you that what He thinks about any of those topics?

Do you have some sort of extra-Biblical revelation that allows you to say that SSM is something that God specifically thinks is a good and positive thing?

Are you suggesting that it’s healthy to call evil good, and good evil?

Craig said...

"You have been SO swept up by your "traditions of men" that you believe your human traditions and God's Word are one in the same, and that this is a fact, not an opinion."

This is the third time in the last couple of weeks where you've asserted that something is a "fact", and not provided any proof of your claim.

Please do so.

Dan Trabue said...

I'm saying quite clearly that you all are not the Arbiters of what is good and evil. In fact, way too often, conservatives are the ones advocating for what is clearly evil denouncing what is good. From just a reasonable perspective. See same-sex marriage, see immigrants see refugees see human Liberty.

Dan Trabue said...

As to your request that I prove something, I don't know how clear I can be... we can't prove God's opinion on same-sex marriage or abortion or immigration, for instance. You can't prove it. I can't prove it.

What I said was YOU ALL seem to think that your position is a fact when it is an opinion. I'm saying you all think it's a fact, not that I think it is a fact. As I've explained multiple times.

If someone doesn't want to understand, it's pretty hard to force them to understand.

As to proof to support my position, I can point to reality. Of course it is good for people to have freedom to choose the person they marry. That's just self-evident. People just naturally enjoy Joy having the Liberty to make their own decisions and rightly bristle at the evil of having they're human self-determination taken away from them.

Of course people getting married is a good thing as long as it's consensual. Of course forced marriage is a bad thing because it's not consensual. Of course, women having the right to make their own medical decisions is a good thing because human Liberty, self-determination. These are good things from the point of view of just natural human rights.

On the other hand idiots like the Pervert who called for killing gay people, like the Bible literally says, if you take it that way, that is just deviant behavior from conservatives. Obviously so, again, due to human Liberty ideals.

So by all means, why don't you begin answering questions and clarify.

1. Do you agree that this pastor in Tennessee who called for enforcing biblical rules to kill gay people is calling for an evil action? On the face of it, nearly all people who believe in Liberty can agree. Can you?

2. Can you agree that you all do not know as a fact that God disapproves of same-sex marriage? Of abortion? Or, do you think you do know that, as a fact?

Craig said...

That’s quite an extensive set of comments when all you really needed to say was that you weren’t going to prove your claim.

Dan Trabue said...

Are you going to take a stand against human self-determination and human rights? That's really the question. You can decide against the right to decide for yourself who you're going to marry, for instance, but you'll do so contrary to all of freedom-loving Humanity.

Craig said...

1. Yes
2. I think that all available evidence points toward those two positions being the most accurate rendering of God’s views on those issues. Can I prove that to a level that would overcome your hard hostility to those positions, probably not.

The night question is. Will you prove that the things you’ve identified as “facts” are actually facts, and will you answer the questions asked?

Dan Trabue said...

Let's make it easy and just select one of the ideas. To prove that gay folk should be able to marry, I am citing the right of self-determination, which is a human right.

That human rights says that you should be free to make those decisions for yourself that affect your life, whatever it is, as long as it does not cause harm to other people.

Two gay men deciding to unite in marriage and commit to one another and love and respect and community, on the face of it is a good thing.

What is your evidence that it's not a moral good? That YOU think that the Bible says it's not a good idea? But the Bible doesn't say that, not anywhere. That's YOUR interpretation. But even so, okay you are trying to use the Bible as a rule book and, using the Bible that way, you think that is not a good idea.

But that's just personal to YOU.

There's nothing Universal in your opinion about what the Bible says about what God thinks. Is entirely whimsically your position. Given that, I would suggest that you not marry a gay guy. But do you have any hard evidence to suggest that it's not a good idea other than your unprovable opinions about how you want to interpret your sacred text?

The answer is no, you don't. You just don't. Lacking any reason to oppose it and having a human rights affirmation reason to support it, reason dictates that we support it. That is evidence, compelling evidence.

Craig said...

How interesting. You certainly made it easier for yourself. You only chose one, and you didn’t actually prove what you were asked to prove.

Normally, I’d acknowledge your attempt, but this wasn’t even enough to call it an attempt.

It’s simply you trying to dictate the terms of the conversation in order to favor yourself.

Craig said...

“What is your evidence that it's not a moral good? ”

I’ve addressed this elsewhere and the data is plentiful and easy to access, but here’s a few points.

1. SSM is primarily not a monogamous lifetime commitment.

2. Look at the mental health statistics for gay folx.

3. Long term engaging in anal sex has documented negative health outcomes and increases risk of many diseases.

4. Trying to cast the issue as one of SSM, as opposed to specific behaviors ignores the reality of the Biblical ethic of sex and marriage.

Once again the trend continues. You abuse my forbearance and I respectfully answer your questions.

Either prove or retract the claims you’ve made about things you claim are “facts.

Reason dictates that you support your claims about “fact”s with evidence, compelling evidence.

Marshal Art said...

"I'm saying quite clearly that you all are not the Arbiters of what is good and evil."

We don't have to be. It's all pretty clearly spelled out for us in Scripture. You ignore Scripture's teaching, or twist it, in order to provide yourself the liberty to do what is sinful (your enabling of sinful behavior stands as the same). You pretend there needs to be particular words specific to a given issue, the morality of which can easily be extrapolated from what is crystal clear. You've done it twice in recent posts/comments including this one.

Abortion isn't mentioned by word, so we can't know.

God doesn't specifically say when "personhood"... a subjective term used by many different people to deny the humanity of various people...begins in order to rationalize the legalization of murdering one's child.

Despite the clear and unmistakable prohibition against homosexual behavior, you pretend "marriage" makes it OK without any Scriptural backing for the notion, particularly given the FACT that there exists nowhere in Scripture the slightest hint that "marriage" means anything other than a man/woman union.

So, we know murder is forbidden and homosexual behavior is forbidden, so we can rationally, reasonably and honestly reject any possibility that abortion or SSM is not also forbidden. Easy-peasy.

Craig said...

It seems appropriate to point out that you’ve subtly shifted from your original contention (that the conversation is about God’s views), to something different (what’s moral). Now, if you defined morality as an objective standard given by God, then you’re slip would be an appropriate shorthand. But, since you have consistently denied this view and argued that morality is subjective, relative, and defined by society, you’ve actually inserted a different standard.

My hope is that you’d answer the questions asked, not some different version of them that makes things easier for you.

Craig said...

There are various and sundry references regarding harming children, and caring for the least of these. But that’s simply defining terms to build in loopholes for the unborn.