Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What's worse?

As we've seen recently Google plans to interfere in the 2020 election in order to prevent another "Trump situation".    The allegations are that Russian actors used various means to attempt to skew Facebook posts to influence the outcome of the election.   While I agree that any country (even us) who attempts to interfere with the free elections in another country is engaging in wrong behavior, I also think that it's wrong when the same sort on manipulation comes from citizens of the counry that is holding the elections.

I was in some training today and we were talking about how the next election cycle is going to affect Facebook.  One school of thought is that the more of a political cesspool Facebook becomes, the more it will cause users to opt out.   At a minimum, there will probably be plenty of hiding of the accounts of people who constantly post partisan propaganda.   At worst, it could cause wholesale defections from the platform.   I advertise on Facebook a fair amount and would prefer not to see the audience shrink, but I also would prefer to not be inundated with partisan propaganda constantly.

I don't know what the solution is, but I have to admit it'd be amusing to see the heavy handed interfering punished by the market.

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