Sunday, June 2, 2019

Occasionally AGT, is worthwhile

There’s a video from AGT where a blind, autistic young man sings beautifully and it’s bringing people to tears.

What should bring people to tears is that these are the sorts of things that parents abort children for.  

The “bodily autonomy” and “self determination” crowd has no basis to suggest that aborting a child for Down’s syndrome, autism, blindness, the “wrong” gender, or for having the elusive “gay gene”, is wrong.    It’s pretty much what ole Margaret wanted, use abortion to rid the human garden of “weeds”.


Marshal Art said...

The irony is in the left's argument imagining how much we'd be lacking if certain famous homosexuals were not allowed to live. At the same time they presume no value reg as riding the lives of others.

Stan said...

Last week the Democratic governor of Louisiana broke ranks with his party and signed a heartbeat bill into law. He did it because when his wife was told that their baby had spina bifida and the doctor highly recommended abortion, she refused. That daughter is now happy and healthy, a college graduate, and married. (The story is here.)

Craig said...

Having a choice is great, unless you want to choose something the left doesn't like, then it's evil.


While the "gay gene' has been the holy grail for decades in an attempt to
prove" that homosexuality is hard wired, you know that there are lots of folx who would abort of they found out that they're kid had the "gay gene". Just like you know that some kids are aborted because the parents want a particular gender.

Eventually the group identity politics on the left cannibalize each other.