Sunday, June 23, 2019

How far

There’s been a fair amount of instances where otherwise law abiding folx are encouraging the violation of immigration law.  Or actively helping folx break immigration laws.  We’ve got sanctuary cities where those here improperly pretty much get a pass for any crime they commit, and folx giving advance notice of upcoming enforcement actions.

My question is, “How far will y’all go?”

For example is marrying someone only for a green card too far?

Marrying a blood relative for a green card?

Having your marriages overlap and filing false tax returns?

I’m just curious.    The Strib has finally started sniffing around, and if they start sniffing around anyone or anything involving the DFL, you know it’s probably worse than they’re letting on.

Upon further reflection, I’d add that I’m not necessarily talking about civil disobedience.   But I’m talking about manipulating the immigration system for personal gain.

Also, what about violating other laws to cover things up?

I guess it’s more about how much corruption and breaking of the law y’all will tolerate as long is you like the folx who are doing it.

1 comment:

Craig said...


I apologize for deleting your comment, it was an accident and I’m sorry.

If I read it right, it wasn’t actually an answer but a question.

My answer is this.

If you were being held by someone bent on harming you, with a pistol to your head, I would use whatever force I felt was necessary to save you.

But, that’s not really helpful in answering the question asked.