Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Debate idiocy

Is Bernie too stupid to understand that he’s one of the 1%.

If this economy “stinks”, then I’m not sure I know how to define stink.

Cmon Pete, it’s 6 white people.

Not debate. But can you really describe anything that’ll cost 1.5 trillion dollars as free?

Warren lies on the debate stage.  People who value honesty still support her unquestionably.

Does Bernie understand that simply yelling until you get your way, isn’t a good look?

Holy buckets, 2 old, rich, white guys yelling, is not a good look.  But adding one more, is better.

A bunch of radically pro abortion candidates are criticizing Bloomie for suggesting that a woman get an abortion.

Except they want to abort big chunks of the future, and deny life saving care to infants who survive abortions.

If it’s ok for the DFL to roll back the filibuster, then why shouldn’t the GOP do the same?

Is ignoring the moderators a sign of strength?

In Klobuchar’s Home metropolitan area also has schools where black students significantly underperform white students.    This in the bluest cities, the bluest counties, in a very blue state.

What if I don’t want to turn my children and grandchildren over to government mandated child care.

If they don’t have the self control to shut up, turn off the damn mics.

Bloomie is deranged.

How does Biden convince black voters that even thought he didn’t do squat during the P-BO administration.

Biden wants to prevent people from making improvements to their personality owned private property.

Huge pandering alert.   Footnote candidate who’s got no chance plays the reparations card.

White guy, on a stage full of white people complaining about the exclusion of blacks.

Bloomie, thinks people are too stupid to make their own decisions about their own health choices.

Casinos and weed, that’s Bernie’s pander to Warren’s people.

US leading the entire world in CO2 reduction, isn’t leading on climate change?

Should I believe Bernie on Cuba, or people who lived through Castro’s revolution.

Authoritarianism is bad, says the guy who wants to give the government more authority.

I’m beating Trump in every poll, look how accurate the polls were in 2016.

Biden just blamed the intelligence apparatus controlled by the executive branch for not giving the head of the executive branch the information they needed to stop the Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Biden just declared war on the NORKs.

I missed this last night, but Biden claimed that half of the US population was killed by guns since 2007.

Also missed last night, but Bloomie saying he “bought” 21 DFL seats and spending millions on electing candidates seems like it could be violation of election law.

Instead of all this yelling, can we just watch the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl over and over?


Craig said...

“The most high-profile case was from a former saleswoman [Sekiko Sakai Garrison]. She sued Bloomberg personally as well as his company, alleging workplace discrimination. She alleged Bloomberg told her to “kill it” when he learned she was pregnant. Bloomberg has denied her allegation under oath, and he reached a confidential settlement with the saleswoman. The Washington Post interviewed a former Bloomberg employee, David Zielenziger, who said he witnessed the conversation with the saleswoman. Zielenziger, who said he had not previously spoken publicly about the matter, said Bloomberg’s behavior toward the woman was “outrageous. I understood why she took offense.” … “I remember she had been telling some of her girlfriends that she was pregnant,” Zielenziger said. “And Mike came out and I remember he said, ‘Are you going to kill it?’ And that stopped everything. And I couldn’t believe it.” Zielenziger said he never talked to Garrison about what he heard and did not participate in her lawsuit. He said Bloomberg’s question was crude, inappropriate — and typical. “He talked kind of crudely about women all the time,” Zielenziger said.“

I guess we don’t believe all women any more.

Marshal Art said...

Nor should we. I think it's rational not to dismiss what they say outright, but to believe automatically is foolish, as many will take advantage of that policy. I know Dan likes to assume that women are an oppressed class who always have some excuse for whatever it is they choose to do in life, but the fact is as adults, they are responsible for their choices, regardless of how the years of their youth impacted them. This isn't "anti-woman". It's reason, logic and truth.