Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Debate madness

Bernie Sanders just trashed Carter, Clinton, and P-BO.    This debate is like a SNL sketch.

Do these rich white folx realize that a bunch of rich folx demonizing rich folk, sound incredibly stupid.

Everyone on stage, “Bloomberg is a vile, evil, billionaire.”
Also Everyone, “Bloomberg may be evil, but we’re going to support him.”

“Right to live is the basic right to everything.”    What a load of crap.

Bernie on his promise to release “all” his medical records, claims he has.   Another load of crap.

If Bloomie was to “stand on his record”, he’d probably look taller,

Bloomie, is completely unprepared to answer the questions he’s being asked by the other candidates.

Warren is sympathetic to forgetting things, she forgot she wasn’t Native American.

Bloomie, just ignored the actual, scientific, fact that the US lead the world in CO2 reductions.  Beating everyone who signed the Paris Agreement.

All this magic fantasy money they so blithely throw out, isn’t enough to fund all the new spending they want.  

Y’all think Bernie really wants to send billionaires to gulags, like his campaign staff?

Bernie trying to suggest that he, as a millionaire long term congressman/senator is going to lead the fight against a “top down” system is absolutely lacking in self awareness.

Virtually every successful presidential campaign has been able to come up with a positive slogan or catch phrase that sums it up.  We've seen "Hope and Change", "Thousand Points of Light", "Shining City on a Hill" in the past.   Based on last night, the 2020 theme is going to be, "It's the End of the World as We Know It".


Marshal Art said...

Haven't watched one yet, but based on analyses I've seen, there's not much they say that I couldn't have predicted.

Craig said...

This is absolutely hilarious. Trump won’t have to actually write a campaign commercial in the general election.

Marshal Art said...

I have to imagine that the questions were thoughtful and intelligent, and focused on that which actually concerns the average American, right?

Craig said...

The questions actually weren’t bad. The answers were usually bad and frequently didn’t correspond to the questions.

The best part was them having to raise their hands like schoolchildren who need to use the bathroom. Definitely imparted gravitas to the proceedings.

None of them came out looking good.