Saturday, February 1, 2020

Say it isn’t so!

The DNC open up a debate spot for an old, white, billionaire while blocking candidates of color.   They also appear to be trying to screw Bernie for the second consecutive campaign.


Dan Trabue said...

Until the GOP becomes a party that isn't rejected by 80 to 90% of African Americans and a large portion of other minorities, any conservative/GOP supporter is blowing smoke up your ass when they say stuff like this.

The DNC did not block specifically any minorities. BS. Excrement. Try to be serious. How stupid do you think people are?

Craig said...

I know you’re ignoring recent polling that suggests otherwise and I know you’re ignoring the blexit movement, and that’s your prerogative.

The indisputable fact is that for years y’all have bitched that the GOP is “old, white, and rich”. Now the reality is that the DNC is older, richer, and favoring white candidates. All anyone has to do is open their eyes and look at the debate stages, zero POC (well one, but I’m not sure years of lying really count”.

As a general rule, it’s not helpful to complain about something I didn’t say.

Looks like y’all are going to screw Bernie again this time around too.

Craig said...

I actually addressed the issue of young black conservatives in some earlier posts. Too bad you missed those.

Dan Trabue said...

Reality is reality, man. Accept it.

The DNC is the party with the most diversity - far and away - according to the data.

Now you can eat a plate full of excrement and call it a delicacy, but it will remain excrement.

Look at the data. Accept reality.

Craig said...

Michael Moore: “They’re gonna let Mike Bloomberg on the stage ‘cause he’s got a billion f###ing dollars.”

I’m looking at the data and I accept the reality that one more old, rich, white guy gets on stage and Cory Booker isn’t. That seems pretty real to me. It seems like it’s institutional to me. It seems like one more example of a DFL run entity that is rife with institutional racism.

I’m sure I’m wrong, and it’s just a coincidence that places where people complain about institutional racism seem to be run by democrats.