Thursday, September 24, 2020


 There's been a lot of smoke recently about Trump's "peaceful transfer of power" comment recently, but is it really justified.

For example, if we look back at 2020, which side of the political aisle has been more vocal about threatening violence of they don't get the results they want, or more involved in engaging on violence?

Today, Walz announced that he was calling out the National Guard to preserve "the safety" on Minnesotans while Mike Pence is in the state on a campaign stop.   Why would he don this?  Safety for whom? Safety from whom?

For example, has there ever been an instance of the crowds at a Pence rally ever engaging on behavior that would imperil the "safety" of random people?  

Is Walz worried about the possibility that there might be an "anti-Pence" crowd that might imperil the safety of random citizens?

Did the recent Trump visits to the state result in behaviors that imperiled the safety of random citizens? 

Did hordes of raving Trump supporters riot and loot at the recent Biden visit to the state?

IMO it's one of two things.

There is a credible threat from folx who are opposed to Trump/Pence who will engage in activities that imperil the safety of random citizens.    It's possible that Walz is being proactive and trying to (for a change) stop violence and rioting before it starts.


It's an attempt to use the power of the state government to pressure those attending the Pence event to stay away.


It's the first one, but the second is simply a fortuitous byproduct. 



I sounds like it's a minimal National Guard presence, so there's that.


Prediction.  Absolutely no matter what actually happens, any rioting/looting/arson/damage/harm will be blamed on Trump/Pence supporters, and/or on Mike Pence himself.

Just saw photos of Pence with one of the black small businesses owners whose business was destroyed by rioters, haven’t seen Biden or Harris, doing the same.  

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

There's a decided propensity of some to create a climate of negativity and hate only to blame ideological proponents not at all responsible for it. Pence supporters are not likely to involve themselves in destructive behaviors. Pence is wholly unlikely to so much as provide the slightest hint of encouragement for destructive behavior. Such behavior is unique to leftists.