Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How likely

 How likely is it that the sins we find most prevalent in others, are the sins we struggle most with ourselves?


Marshal Art said...

It's because we struggle with them which makes it so easy to see in others. They stand out because we have a similar struggle plaguing us. It's like seeing the model car you drive all over the place when you never noticed it as much before you got one.

Craig said...

I'm sure that's the most likely answer.

I apologize, but I think I deleted your BLM response when I was emptying the trash in my moderation folder this morning. As always, please re post and I'll get it approved.

Marshal Art said...

Just as often as not, once I post a comment, I kinda forget it, unless it was one seeking a response. Perhaps whatever thought I had will occur to me again. Not sure I'll find it worthy of posting again if it comes to mind. In short, no worries.

Craig said...

I just want to acknowledge when I get over zealous deleting the crap and accidentally delete that wrong thing. I also want those who don't post crap to have the ability to say what they want.

Marshal Art said...

Oh, I appreciate the heads up. I kust don't always remember what I posted. All I know for sure is that it was likely brilliant and a tremendous loss for those who will never read it. Such is life. :)

Craig said...

It’s kind of like someone who gets upset when others won’t immediately jump to obey their demands, but who won’t actually do what they demand of others.