Saturday, May 20, 2023

Could Be 

This could be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.    The reality is that prior to electricity and the industrial revolution virtually everyone worked from sunrise to sunset.  Especially those with an agrarian lifestyle.   The notion that these sorts of things, waking up early, punctuality, hard work, diligence, self control, and the like are somehow based in one's race seems absurd on it's face.  But any excuses necessary, right?


Marshal Art said...

The only way it can be termed "racist" is by ignoring those who DON'T practice such time-tested methods of attaining success and prosperity regarding them as racist.

Craig said...

I think the fact that the authors tried to make it sound like it was only the slaves who worked from sun up to sun down back in the day,and that getting up early was therefore racist was probably the most absurd thing in the piece.

Having spent plenty of time in Haiti, I can vouch for the fact that Haitians are up early on a regular basis.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

"Not the Bee" had an excellent article about this:

Marshal Art said...

The pandering never stops and there's not likely going to be an end of the race-hustling any time soon. Indeed, I would wager it will only get worse before it gets better...if it ever does...because the left needs that conflict for the purpose of moving their agenda forward.