Friday, June 16, 2023

Election Security

 Regardless of how you fall on the existence or amount of election fraud or irregularities in the last couple of elections, I would hope that we could agree that the security of our elections is something to be highly valued.   Once the electorate loses confidence in the security of our elections, and the accuracy of the counting process, we will find it difficult to engage people in the process.

So, we see reporting from CNN, that the state of GA has known for a couple of years that their Dominion voting machines/system is vulnerable to being hacked and they have decided NOT to implement any improvements or corrections prior to the 2024 elections.   My first question is why would anyone be this cavalier about election security.   Why would a state choose to ignore a known vulnerability when they have the ability to fix it before an election?    Could it be that the DFL powers that be (locally and nationally) are satisfied with how the system has performed for their candidates and don't want to risk that changing?   

Personally, if I lived in GA, I think I'd be pissed. 

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

There's a dude named Jay Valentine who has an outfit which deals with election integrity in ways which would make it almost impossible for the Democrats to succeed in their fraud. I can provide a link to his biz later, if needed.

But we already know that Dominion's stuff is pure and without blemish because "experts" told us so. Thus, I don't know what the problem might be in Georgia with using the machines...except that perhaps Stacey Abrams has Soros money coming her way.