Saturday, June 17, 2023


 Over the past couple of days Biden has been on a bit of a roll.    

He conjured up truck’s wander through NYC and Philadelphia selling guns to anyone who wanted them.

He ended his speech with “God Save the Queen”

And he tweeted out the guns are the number one killers of children.

Two of these three are simply false, while the third is simply nuts.

We’re left with two choices.  Either Biden just makes up stupid lies when he thinks it’ll help him, or he’s got some form of dementia and doesn’t know what he’s saying.

On a related note.   Apparently Hunter Biden deserves Secret Service protection for his court dates in his fight to not support his child.    Apparently the MSM doesn’t take Hatch Act violations in the Biden administration as seriously as they did in the Trump administration.

What the hell has happened to our country when these two ancient buffoons (Biden and Trump) are potentially our next two presidential choices?



 Biden and Fetterman did a joint press conference about a bridge collapse.   Fetterman (as in virtually every public speaking opportunity) was incoherent, dressed like he's homeless, and looked completely incompetent.   It's kind of sad that the DFL put so much effort into getting this guy elected, given the fact that his medical condition seems to indicate that he's not currently qualified to do his job.   I feel nothing but empathy for him, as he's simply been used by the DFL as a pawn.     It's also damning that the GOP couldn't find a candidate that could beat him. 


Marshal Art said...

To suggest there's any legit comparison between these two men simply because of their ages is stupid. Absolutely stupid. One guy was elected because he wasn't the other, and that's the only reason it happened. The other guy was a proven servant if the people and you want to pretend he couldn't be once again because of his age???? That's absurd. Get real.

Dan Trabue said...

So... what did Biden say that was wrong? That was simply "false..."? It seems like your vague and unsupported accusation is, itself, false.,gun%2Drelated%20incidents%20that%20year.

Is it the case that you think the glitch, or joke, or whatever it was about "God save the Queen" was some kind of lie or great mistake on his part?

You may not be old enough to know this, Sonny, but sometimes, as we age, we use the wrong words and phrases. Do you think that's some kind of serious problem?

And again, it would be easier to take your concern about verbal missteps more seriously if you have ANYTHING to say about Trump's vulgar ridiculous claims and statements.

You're trying way too hard to find fault with what seems to be like a typical human being, while ignoring the great depravity and danger of an atypical pervert who's on your political side.

Speak out against your great pervert and the useful idiots who defend him, THEN come talk with me about Biden.

First, remove the plank.

Dan Trabue said...

When will you start to denounce the fascists and oppressors on YOUR side? YOUR boys are KKK sympathizers and oppressors, can you not denounce it when they start pulling GUNS on peaceful protestors?

Your side is sick, perverse, oppressors. Take a stand against such perversions, EVEN IF it's coming from conservatives.

Save your soul.

Craig said...

"When will you start to denounce the fascists and oppressors on YOUR side? YOUR boys are KKK sympathizers and oppressors, can you not denounce it when they start pulling GUNS on peaceful protestors?"

1. I'm a limited human being who has limited time, I spend my time on this blag writing about topic that interest me. I don't have the time of effort to magically conjure up some random event that has you all worked up and wrote about it.

2. I've been consistent for years in condemning racists/fascists/oppressors on all sides of the political spectrum, I see no reason why I'd feel different about this story.

3. Excellent job of starting off with an unrelated story that you can use to attack me, instead of dealing with the examples, I wrote about. I guess that tells us something.

Craig said...


They are both ego driven, literally every president in the past 50 years has been ego driven. Unfortunately, they both lie constantly and do so because their base won't check for the Truth and that's all they care about. Strangely enough, Trump was elected because he wasn't Clinton, and Biden was elected because he wasn't Trump. Neither was elected because a majority of people voted for them, they are both a "lesser of two evils".

Craig said...

"So... what did Biden say that was wrong? That was simply "false..."? It seems like your vague and unsupported accusation is, itself, false."

This bring up an interesting point. I titled the post "lies" because if Trump had made similar false statements, folx like you would be claiming that he "stupidly lied". But, the real question about Biden's false statements (particularly about the prevalence of gun selling trucks), is whether of not it's a sign of mental decline. Biden's long history of lies and plagiarism is well documented as are his many lies as POTUS. But when he makes these absurd claims and when he rambles aimlessly, one has to wonder if dementia isn't playing a role. So, I might be persuaded that his statements were false, but not lies if given evidence. However, if he just causally makes false statements without knowing what he's saying, that's a whole other problem.

"Is it the case that you think the glitch, or joke, or whatever it was about "God save the Queen" was some kind of lie or great mistake on his part?"

Who knows what it was. If it was a "joke", it was horrible and stupid. If it was a mental "glitch" (nice euphemism for dementia), that's a whole other problem. In any case, It's good to see you defending/excusing his false and stupid statements.

"You may not be old enough to know this, Sonny, but sometimes, as we age, we use the wrong words and phrases. Do you think that's some kind of serious problem?"

Ohhhhhhhh, the condescending, patronizing, ad hom attacks come out. While these common instances of random gibberish, false claims, and incoherent statements might be endearing in grandpa, they raise serious questions in someone who (to paraphrase what folx like you said about Regan) has their finger on the nuclear missile button. Hell yes it's concerning, you idiot, he's POTUS. He's literally got the words of his speech right in front of him. A speech written by some of the best speechwriters money can by, which was written, edited, reviewed, and practiced multiple times. But it doesn't bother you at all when he goes off script and makes absolutely zero sense. Please, explain one possible reason why "God save the Queen." makes any sense (as a joke or otherwise) in the context of the speech he gave to the audience he gave t to.

"And again, it would be easier to take your concern about verbal missteps more seriously if you have ANYTHING to say about Trump's vulgar ridiculous claims and statements."

Impressive example of ignoring everything I've said both in general and specifically about Trump's screw ups. You'd have credibility if you didn't automatically defend every ridiculous thing (or ignore, which is pretty much the same thing) Biden says.

'You're trying way too hard to find fault with what seems to be like a typical human being, while ignoring the great depravity and danger of an atypical pervert who's on your political side."

POTUS is literally anything but a "typical human being. He's one of the most powerful humans on the planet. He has the ability to wage war at a whim. He (like anyone in the office) should be held to a higher standard. I've regularly criticized GOP presidents when they've screwed up, and will continue to do so. The fact that you ignore the reality that I'll go after any POTUS when they do something stupid, is not my problem.

"Speak out against your great pervert and the useful idiots who defend him, THEN come talk with me about Biden."

I have.

"First, remove the plank."

Sound advice, if strange, coming from someone like you who does nothing but criticize your political enemies in all sorts of vulgar, vitriolic, and expletive laden terms.

Dan Trabue said...

the real question about Biden's false statements (particularly about the prevalence of gun selling trucks), is whether of not it's a sign of mental decline.

So.... then when you claimed he was making false claims, THAT claim of yours was false?

I don't see any data that shows any suggestion that Biden lied in his three comments you've cited. Not one thing.

On the other hand, YOUR inability to support the claim shows that YOUR claim, itself was a false claim.

Again, first remove the plank from your own eye.

As to mistakes in speech ("God save the queen...") people make them all the time. Especially those of us of a certain age. It comes with aging and is not, in and of itself, a sign of cognitive decline. I believe this to be especially true in someone with speech impediments like Biden.

Can you admit that you have NO experts raising red flags saying, "Verbal missteps like this are a sign of cognitive decline..."?

So, two false claims and one bit of classless gracelessness. More of the nothing claims that are part of modern "conservatism."

I will repeat what I've said: I support Biden stepping aside and giving a younger person a chance - NOT because he's done anything significantly wrong, or that his administration is steeped in corruption, vulgar lies and attacks on marginalized folks like the last administration, but just because we don't need four more years of an old white guy.

But look at the data: The economy's doing well, unemployment remains historically low, the US is more well-respected around the world, we're doing a better job of listening to expert opinion... and the main areas of great concern are where the GOP is attacking women, LGBTQ people, minorities and the environment. If you all want to be taken seriously as a better option for the US, you've got to improve your policy positions. False claims about false claims are not going to win the day.

Craig said...

"So.... then when you claimed he was making false claims, THAT claim of yours was false?"


"I don't see any data that shows any suggestion that Biden lied in his three comments you've cited. Not one thing."

How about any data that he was telling the Truth?

"On the other hand, YOUR inability to support the claim shows that YOUR claim, itself was a false claim."

If you say so. Because you are the only one capable of identifying falsehoods. You could easily provide proof that Biden was telling the Truth, but you haven't.

"Again, first remove the plank from your own eye."

Again the selective, application of Jesus' teaching while not taking His teaching to heart just reeks of hypocrisy.

"As to mistakes in speech ("God save the queen...") people make them all the time. Especially those of us of a certain age. It comes with aging and is not, in and of itself, a sign of cognitive decline. I believe this to be especially true in someone with speech impediments like Biden."

Yes, Biden's regular episodes of mumbling gibberish into a live microphone, making comments that have no relationship to the situation, and the regular instances of him needing to be guided out of WH press events are all nothing to have any concern over. It's not like he has an incredibly important job to do, and other world leaders don't take his actions into account. It's so hilarious when you make all of these excuses for Biden, yet refused to ever judge Trump with the same generosity.

"Can you admit that you have NO experts raising red flags saying, "Verbal missteps like this are a sign of cognitive decline..."?"

You mean other than the medical experts that have been raising these questions for the last couple of years? Because the only possible way to draw conclusions about Biden and his bouts of gibberish is to take the words of "experts". Why would it be a problem for Biden to do some cognitive testing and actually find out for sure.

"But look at the data: The economy's doing well, unemployment remains historically low, the US is more well-respected around the world, we're doing a better job of listening to expert opinion... and the main areas of great concern are where the GOP is attacking women, LGBTQ people, minorities and the environment. If you all want to be taken seriously as a better option for the US, you've got to improve your policy positions. False claims about false claims are not going to win the day."

Yes, the high inflation, increased interest rates, housing market slowdown, endless proxy war in Ukraine, given billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban, record numbers of immigrants entering the country illegally, and the recent announcement that we were going to hang Taiwan out to dry. He's been awesome. But hey, if all it takes is to redefine recession...

But you'll keep voting for the old, rich, white guy, with a decades long history of lying/plagiarism, won't you? you probably support keeping Kennedy out of the DFL mainstream too.

Marshal Art said...

I read Dan's comments and keep thinking of the word he likes to use so often: "delusional". His defense of Biden is at least that, if not something far more evil. And of course, as you alluded, he's again engaging in his standard double standard commentary...this time regarding Biden vs Trump. He minimizes everything concerning about Biden while amplifying and magnifying everything he can scrape from the sides of barrels about Trump. That certainly indicates a level of dishonesty only a fake-Christian progressive from Louisville can muster.

For myself, the vast majority of defense I've expressed for Trump has been in response to crap like what Dan now spews. That is to say, a liar like Dan seeks to exploit negative perceptions about Trump, leveled by his favorite lying media sources, and I determine to compel the presentation of evidence to back it up. Those like Dan routinely fail to even try, likely because none exists. He continues to lie about the Billy Bush incident, as I've again exposed in recent comments at his Cesspool Of Heresy Blog. But like you, I've not defended actual misdeeds by the guy...misdeeds anyone can prove to actually have happened, as well as that which is easily seen. It just doesn't happen. Why would it? I don't need perfection out of my candidate choices...just performance. Trump provided.

As to that, I also insist that comparing how Biden got elected is nothing like the Trump situation. In both cases, we had a Dem candidate who had proven him/herself incredibly unworthy of the job. While I have admitted that my voting for Trump was essential in the attempt to keep Clinton from winning and furthering an Obama-type agenda...which didn't serve us at all in any way...he at least talked the talk. That wasn't anything like the case with Biden being tapped because he wasn't Trump. He had no record of accomplishment which improved a damned thing, and Trump had proven competence which far exceeded Obama. Thus, for those like me, Trump was the reasonable pick in both opportunities and the facts support the choice. It supported the risk in the first case, but then supported the obvious win for American in the second.

Voting for Trump as a vote against Clinton, therefore, is not akin to voting for Biden as a vote against Trump. The former is justifiable and rational, the latter is moronic. Just listen to Dan and you'll get a feel for it.

And by the way, misspeaking is indeed a sign of decaying mental capacity, particularly among the elderly. Add to the fact that Biden was never a bright dude in the first place, never an honest dude, either, and dementia is the only intelligent conclusion for an honest observer to draw. Trump's just slightly younger and hasn't stumbled with his words in any way similar and certainly to no similar degree as has Biden.

Anonymous said...

"How about any data that he was telling the Truth?"

YOU are the Accuser (one of them). If YOU want to suggest - outright claim - that Biden is lying, YOU need to support your claim.

Welcome to adult reasoning.


Craig said...

"YOU are the Accuser (one of them). If YOU want to suggest - outright claim - that Biden is lying, YOU need to support your claim. Welcome to adult reasoning."

Biden has a decades long history of lying and plagiarism, his claim about trucks selling guns in NYC and PHI, Accidents are the #1 killer of children, not guns, and the Queen is dead. Actually, I'd be surprised of abortion wasn't the #1 killer of children.

Craig said...


I don't necessarily agree that a vote against Trump in a hypothetical general election is "moronic". I believe that it can be a highly moral, principled stand for some level of decency and character as being essential in our presidents. Obviously Biden also falls below that threshold and another Trump/Biden choice would literally be the slightly lesser of two evils. You are right that Trump talked a good game the first time around. Unfortunately he failed to follow through on even attempting to turn his words into action on numerous issues. He was especially horrible when it came to federal spending pre COVID, then he got worse. Certainly, in hindsight, he badly mishandled COVID especially in his reliance of Fauci.

But, that's all been debated ad nauseum, and I see absolutely no reason to waste any more time on it.

I do agree with your last paragraph. Given Biden's frequent public gaffes, it is absolutely right to suspect some degree of loss of cognitive function. Hell those of Dan's ilk had no problem saying these sorts of things about Regan in his second term, but that's not important (to them as they defend Biden). As you said, Biden has never been particularly honest. He's been caught telling the same lies over and over again because he thinks it'll help (He's lied about his son's death). As I see it there are three options to explain his behavior.

1. He intentionally lies when he thinks that the lie will ingratiate him with his audience.
2. He's just stupid and says whatever pops into his head with no filter.
3. He has some degree of diminished cognitive function and literally has no control over what he says or does.

But, never fear. His faithful sycophants will faithfully defend everything he does despite the fact that doing so makes them look like hyper partisan, brainwashed, fools. No president has EVER done as many things perfectly right as Biden's supporters claim he's done. Hell, the one time Dan mustered up a tiny criticism he did so in a way the attempted to blame Trump and ignore that Trump was simply continuing P-BO's policy.

It's also kind of pitiful and amusing how much effort the DFL puts into preventing the "fringe" candidates from being a meaningful part of the primaries. We know that Bernie got screwed in the primaries, and now were watching RFK jr get screwed before the primaries even start. Hell, he may be a total whacko, but intentionally excluding him from participation is a really bad look, IMO.

Marshal Art said...

I'd say all three points work with regard to the negatives of Joe Biden. There really are no positives and there never has been. Like Dan, he pretends to be a man of faith in order to legitimize that which is roundly counter to the faith claimed by either.

"I don't necessarily agree that a vote against Trump in a hypothetical general election is "moronic". I believe that it can be a highly moral, principled stand for some level of decency and character as being essential in our presidents."

This argument is trotted out often, but it fails given the fact that despite the focus on where he failed, he was still, in the aggregate, a far superior president than any we've had since Reagan, and certainly far superior to either his predecessor or successor. And when we're talking about "making America great again" it for a return of Trump is indeed a highly moral and principled stand, given the duties of a president. Yeah. I'd love an Apostle as president, too. None are running and I don't see one among the candidates of any party at present. Thus, I choose a proven commodity...flaws and all...over wishing for he/she who doesn't exist.

And never forget how he was pretty much acting with no support from even his own family. He had a GOP majority going in. So much more should have been accomplished because of it, but they refused their support. One doesn't see that with the evil Dem party who will do whatever an Obama or Biden wants most of the time. These facts indeed make it hard to "waste any more time on it".

Marshal Art said...

I just noticed I said "family" when I meant he had no support from his own party. But you knew that.