Tuesday, September 5, 2023


" If you are a single black mom anywhere in this country today, every problem you have is something the democrats didn't fix for you.

If your kids are testing poorly, it's because democrats control your schools.

If your groceries cost too much, it's because you elected a president that don't care about how his policies affect you.

If your momma gets mugged, it's because liberal DA's think letting blacks get away with crime is reparations.

If your son gets gunned down in a drive-by, it's because democrats are in bed with the gangs.

It ain't no right-wing conspiracy theory.

Elections have consequences, and all the bad ones come from voting democrat."

Lavern Spicer


"I happened to see Miss Doris Lewis on Fox News this morning. She’s a well-spoken Black woman from Hyde Park Chicago and she is HOT that Biden just put 300 illegals right across the street from her expensive condo. She said “I’ve prepared myself financially to live where I am living, and to have the government come in and dump 300 people right next to me where I am paying a lot of money to live and they’re not paying one dime, it is not fair!” This basically sums up what the Black community feels about these illegals: Why them and not us. She said Chicago has a 76% black homelessness rate, and why ain’t nobody helping them out. She called out the president, the governor and the mayor to stop putting illegals over the Black folks already here. All I can say is, I feel for you Miss Doris but guess what:

You didn’t want Donald Trump so this is what you get. Only way it’s gonna change is if you stop voting Democrat."
Lavern Spicer

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

And that's just the way it is.