Monday, September 11, 2023


 If gender is unrelated to genitals, and reproductive systems, then why is destroying the reproductive system and removing the genitals such a high priority?


Marshal Art said...

I think part of the answer is with the specific subject who intends to "transition". That's distinct from the lie that "gender" is unrelated to genitals. The subject with intent hopes to "be" the other sex, as if self-mutilation will make that so. Those who promote the lie "gender" is unrelated to genitalia are just lying morons pandering to the delusional and those hateful of traditional notions of sexuality, family, marriage and other issues related to each other in the centuries-old understanding of them.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig said...


You are correct. The notion that mutilating oneself will bring about a transformation to something completely different is problematic at best.

Craig said...

Ohhhhhhhh, there's a list of "bad" questions to ask people who want to remove perfectly functioning body parts. The very existence of this list of questions, points out the absurdity of this entire conversation. As if protecting people from questions that they might find uncomfortable is ever a good thing.

I might go back through look at all of Dan's stock "questions", and come up with a list of questions never to ask at this blog.

Marshal Art said...

This'll be FUN!!

"What toilets do you use?"

Since it was determined, based on my genitalia once I exited the birth canal, that I was a male child, I have always used the men's restrooms (toilet or urinal depending upon availability). That's what men do.

"Have you had a sex change operation?"

No. Only delusional, mentally/emotionally disordered people do.

"Are you gay?"

No. But I do like wine, fine dining, dressing well and decorating with my hot wife.

"What is your real name?"

The same one assigned by my biological parents at birth.

"Do you take hormones?"

No. Nor have any ever been recommended by any physician I've ever seen. I've heard such treatments come with risks, so I'm not likely to ever take any.

"What did your family think?"

They thought I was rambunctious, took too many risks and could do better in school, but was generally a good kid.

"Why are there more transgender people now?"

Because it's a fad encouraged my morally bankrupt "experts", such as "Diversity and Inclusion Specialists", and a rejection of God and common sense.

"These are the questions people ask me all of the time under the guise of trying to understand who I am but that isn’t the same as accepting or supporting me."

I totally understand you're disordered and demand acceptance and support for your condition, but I don't accept or support it in the least. I support true attempts to learn to cope with such delusional feelings.

"Can you imagine a cisgender person being asked equally intimate/intrusive questions?"

Why would normal people be asked questions no obvious disordered condition would provoke?

I was right. This is fun! More coming!

Craig said...

This notion that asking questions is off limits for certain people, or one certain topics is strange.

I once had to take a class on dealing with people of different backgrounds for an organization I volunteered for. This topic came up in the training. I made two points I thought were valid.

1. I almost always ask people I don't know some version of where are you from. It's a valid question and a good way to learn more about people.

2. In my work, I frequently dealt with east Africans, and it was usually very helpful to know where they came from. If they were Somali, they were most likely Muslim and as such would need to be treated in ways that accommodated their faith. If Ethiopian, they were likely not Muslim and could be interacted with differently.

Fortunately an African American woman said virtually the same thing and shut the facilitator up before he could go after me.

The fact that Dan keeps a bad questions list around, is freaking hilarious.

Craig said...

To be completely honest, under the right circumstances I'll use whatever restroom is empty.

Marshal Art said...

"Don’t ask us questions about our gender pre-transition. It can trigger dysphoria."

If something so innocuous "triggers" dysphoria, then it's clear such a person is a mental case and not what such a person claims to be. But the only likely question I'd ask is, "do you plan on leaving soon?"

"Don’t ask about our medical transition and what operations we have or have not had, nor what medications we may or may not be taking."

A most obvious question about which most who give a shit would wonder. It should be expected and tolerated given the demand of acceptance for the delusion.

"Don’t ask about our genitalia pre and post-transition. It’s creepy."

Not true. Having perfectly functioning body parts removed to appease delusion is creepy. Being asked would only be to assess just how delusional you are and if there's any hope to receive true and proper psychological treatment before a permanent mistake is made.

"What pronouns do you use?"

A stupid question honest, intelligent people would never ask. Certainly one I'll never ask.

"Would you like what you have just shared with me to remain confidential?"

I doubt one of these disordered loons would confide in me in the first place.

"How can I best support you?"

I already know how. It's not how the loons would want me to support them because they're disordered loons.

One more coming...

Marshal Art said...

Points To Note:

"Our ‘real’ gender is not the gender we were thought to be when we were born, but who we identify as."

This is a lie. "Gender" is not what one is. "Gender" is not a biological term, but a grammatical classification. It's a word appropriated by the delusional to pretend their delusion is reality. No honest, rational person of even average intelligence "thinks" one is of one sex or the other upon one's birth. It's crystal clear and if somehow it isn't, it's easy enough to determine through DNA testing. How one "identifies" is irrelevant.

"Transgender men are men, not masculine women and transgender women are women, not feminine men."

Those with XY chromosomes are men regardless of whether or not they appear or feel "feminine". Cutting off their package and implanting fake breasts doesn't change that. Those with XX chromosomes are women and cutting off healthy breasts and installing a non-functioning penis doesn't change that.

"Being transgender is not new or a phase. People whose gender does not match their body at birth have been documented across many cultures for thousands of years. The difference today is that some transgender people feel increasingly safe to be open about who they are and have the option of not having to live with secrecy, imposter syndrome and shame."

Delusional people have existed throughout history. It's only in recent times have morons decided to participate in the delusions of the delusional and to attempt to force everyone else to abide those delusions, too.

Everyone should feel safe, but not everyone should feel they must be accommodated simply for demanding they must. I have no intention of every putting up with these people should I be forced to do so. I may be forced to work with them, but I will never abide their demands as regards stupidity like "pronouns", using the wrong restroom if my wife or daughter is in there first or in need to be, etc. They're the weird ones. They must wait accommodate the normal.

"Transgender people are gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, asexual, pansexual, and every other sexual orientation."

They're all the same, just different delusions and disorders.

"A gay transgender man was assumed to be female when he was born and is attracted to other men. A straight transgender woman was considered to be male when she was born and is attracted to men."

A stupid statement since no one is "born gay". No one is born "transgendered".

"We all perform basic bodily functions in a bathroom, but bathrooms are often a place where transgender people can feel unsafe or uncomfortable which is why single-user or gender-neutral bathrooms are often ideal."

They shouldn't feel safe. Men don't belong in the women's restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms or any other area designated for women only. Men who in their delusion think they're women, or are simply asserting they're women, should never feel safe in women's areas. It's right and just they should be removed by force if necessary as they are making women and girls uncomfortable. I don't give a crap about these loons, but rather care more about women and girls feeling unsafe by their presence.

The only accommodation the delusional should expect is that provided by honest psychological providers who will help them learn to cope with their delusions about their sexual identity.

"Gender roles and expectations are a social construct, gender identity is not, it is innate."

A straight up lie.

OK. One more coming...

Marshal Art said...

"Am I making assumptions about someone’s gender?"

It's absolutely possible to make wrong assumptions about someone's sex (not gender). I can't help that woman looks like William Frawley. But if a dude is dressed up like a chick, I'm not assuming anything. That's a dude dressed up like a chick.

It's also possible that some dude actually passes for a chick due to his basic physically feminine characteristics. It such a case, I've been deceived.

"Even if I am curious, is it my business and how are my questions going to make that person feel?"

Those who insist on outrageously disordered behavior should expect questions despite how they feel about it. They certainly don't care about how they make others feel. They certainly aren't concerned about accommodating the feelings of others...particularly actual women and girls.

"How can I make this person feel included at work and socially?"

Mostly by suggesting they not "transition" or by encouraging them to "de-transition". Otherwise, I'm not concerned about making them feel included at any time. Indeed, I prefer not to include them at all so long as they insist on making a spectacle of themselves.

"Don’t share confidential information or out someone."

Stay away and no such risk exists.

"Using the right pronouns is non-negotiable."

That's why I never use female pronouns to reference a dude who thinks he's a chick. The delusional should keep this rule in mind at all times.

OK. I think that'll do it, until Dan returns to spew nonsense in defense of this disorder.

Craig said...

You know this'll set him off and there will be no embracing of grace.

Marshal Art said...


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

You sure got me to laughing!

Dan is just as mentally unstable as those he protects and supports1