Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter... 

Not long ago Hunter Biden had a really sweet plea deal fall through, and many on the left tried to justify the sweep deal.    Well, now we know that the charges he was indicted for could bring him a total of 25 years in prison.      Now that sweet deal is looking even more corrupt.   

The very notion that the son of a sitting US president would get a plea that involved zero jail time for multiple federal gun felonies is absurd.   The fact the his father's political party (looking at you NM) is actively trying to manufacture ways to make legal, lawful gun owners guilty of federal crimes just makes it worse.  

Back in the day, the appearance of impropriety was enough to torpedo the career of a politician.  Now, it takes considerably more than that if you are a democrat. 


Marshal Art said...

As we know by the example of our resident modern progressive, whatever a center-right figure does is the most heinous crime one could imagine, while whatever a center-left person does is no big deal. This is just one of many reasons why no Democrat or center-left person should ever be elected to public office.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the left and modern right is, we SUPPORT Biden being held accountable. We're not denying he did what he did.

The pervert king and his useful idiots are pledged to support him, even if he's convicted of the serious crimes he's been charged with. Some even speak of civil war.

The GOP is no longer the party of law and order or just basic decency, if they ever were.


Anonymous said...

"Now, it takes considerably more than that if you are a democrat. "

Do you NOT understand how ironic this is, coming from a Trump defender, the SINGLE MOST perverted, dishonest, amoral and just plain stooped shipwreck of a human soul since Andy Jackson?

Trump literally could shoot down a baby -after raping it! - in the middle of Times Square and your crowd would defend him.

This is just sick, sick, sick.

Be a better man, Craig.


Craig said...

"Do you NOT understand how ironic this is, coming from a Trump defender, the SINGLE MOST perverted, dishonest, amoral and just plain stooped shipwreck of a human soul since Andy Jackson?"

Do you NOT understand how ironic this is that you choose to start your comment with a statement that is AT BEST a half Truth, if not outright false?

"Trump literally could shoot down a baby -after raping it! - in the middle of Times Square and your crowd would defend him."

This is an interesting hunch, but your obsession with raping babies says more about you than about me. Now you've gotten into outright lies.

"This is just sick, sick, sick."

What is "sick"? Pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to gun crimes? Pointing out that Hunter was about to get a sweet plea bargain on 3 gun felonies?

"Be a better man, Craig."

Yeah, because pointing out the hypocrisy of the left makes me a horrible person.

When Dan's response to something like this is immediately." "Well, Trump did X or If Trump did Y." Instead of dealing with the topic, it sends a very clear message.

Craig said...

"The difference between the left and modern right is, we SUPPORT Biden being held accountable. We're not denying he did what he did."

Which explains why your first response to the indictment of Hunter (after you defended his sweetheart plea deal) was NOT to say something like, "I completely support the special council indicting Hunter on these charges and am appalled that Biden's son would engage in this behavior.", but to sau "But Trump...".

"The pervert king and his useful idiots are pledged to support him, even if he's convicted of the serious crimes he's been charged with. Some even speak of civil war."

Yes, some people say those things. Although if it he's actually convicted, we'll see how serious they are. But some people immediately jump to "But Trump..." anytime any misbehavior on the part of Biden, his family, or anyone in the DFL is mentioned. You say you support Biden being held accountable, you just don't act like it.

"The GOP is no longer the party of law and order or just basic decency, if they ever were."

This may be True, but the DFL gave up any pretense to supporting law and order back in 2014 when y'all started making excuses for rioters.

Marshal Art said...

"The difference between the left and modern right is, we SUPPORT Biden being held accountable. We're not denying he did what he did."

The real difference is that you modern progressives first have a problem acknowledging "wrong" as a rule. You only support accountability when you cannot find any other way out of it. That is, as has been said, with the least suspicion of a center-right figure...especially Donald liars have such convicted in your hateful minds already, regarding them as guilty until proven innocent. Conversely, you continue to regard your own as innocent despite the mounting evidence of guilt. And that's only the tip of that fraudulent iceberg.

"The pervert king and his useful idiots are pledged to support him, even if he's convicted of the serious crimes he's been charged with."

Why would you do that for Biden? While you've pledged your support for the likes of that man, we who don't pretend Trump is guilty of any serious crime, including those your kind made up. Thus, our continued support would be provoked by the railroading having succeeded. Honest people don't withdraw their support for someone wrongly persecuted by political opponents.

"Some even speak of civil war."

Those who do are acknowledging the degree of abuse dispensed by your kind. To have to contend with a vile leftist party in power with the resources available to them, it's getting to the point of true subservience or a new fight for independence. Only a lying modern progressive would pretend the nation isn't moving toward that horrible choice. And you liars will then pretend the problem lies with those who no longer wish to be ruled by the likes of you...who no longer wish to see their nation continue in its current downward spiral because of the likes of you...who no longer (as if they ever did) care how the likes of you refer to them.

"The GOP is no longer the party of law and order or just basic decency, if they ever were."

Only a lying modern progressive (redundancy alert!!) would say such a thing. It's stupidly typical.

"Do you NOT understand how ironic this is, coming from a Trump defender, the SINGLE MOST perverted, dishonest, amoral and just plain stooped shipwreck of a human soul since Andy Jackson?"

In typical modern progressive form, Dan does what he always does. He describes Trump in the most vile manner he can conjure as if his description is in any way accurate. And this after just recently saying he has no history of lying. This description is a lie, even if defended as hyperbole. This is ironic given this same grace embracer regards Trump a liar for indulging in hyperbole. This is also hypocrisy given the perversions, dishonesty and immorality which is part and parcel of the Democratic Party and the modern progressive in general.

Dan stays true to his history of lying.

Dan Trabue said...

1. No matter how many times you cite "the rioters," you still have to remember that, by and large, no one was charged with those vandalisms and we don't know if they were progressive types actually protesting or just crimes of opportunity or conservatives trying to make the actual peaceful protesters look guilty.

2. As a point of fact, we KNOW that some of those engaged in violence were right wingers because it's been documented.

3. As a point of fact, we KNOW that some of the "vandalism" was happening in response to police violence against peaceful protesters. Again, I was there with my friends, we know, we saw it happening.

4. To the degree that maybe there were some angry black or white youth more aligned with progressive ideals who acted in violence, the organizers did not support or encourage that and the Democrats/progressives didn't support it. We just didn't. I certainly never have.

5. 99.9% of actual protesters were protesting peacefully and we don't really have much in the way of details about the .1%. Just as a point of fact.

6. That we are strongly opposed to actual police violence and oppression that actually happens in the real world towards actual black human beings does not mean that we're opposed to law and order. Of course. BECAUSE we support law and order, we want to stop the harm and oppression done too often by legal authorities. Again, we SAW the police firing rubber bullets into a peaceful crowd. THAT is what we are strongly opposed to.

7. That we support police reform and maybe dividing up the work typically done by police (sending mental health workers in instead of police or along with police, for instance) is not being opposed to law and order. It's being concerned about those who are too often harmed by the police.

Are you suggesting that being opposed to police violence means that we're against law and order? If so, do you recognize how irrational and harmful that would be?

Dan Trabue said...

Which explains why your first response to the indictment of Hunter (after you defended his sweetheart plea deal) was NOT to say something like, "I completely support the special council indicting Hunter on these charges and am appalled that Biden's son would engage in this behavior."

That's been stated multiple times by me in multiple conversations. It's a GIVEN that of course, H Biden should be held accountable because I've been quite clear on that. Why would I repeat myself on that which I've been abundantly clear and EVEN IF I hadn't made it clear, of course I support any people being held accountable for actual crimes committed. I've never suggested anything that could make someone doubt that in ANY case, and certainly in H Biden's case.

I've further been clear that IF J Biden turns out to have committed some crimes or wrongdoing, he should be held accountable. I'm just noting the reality that, in spite of investigations that the GOP has done, there is NO evidence of wrongdoing on J Biden's part. That's the reason that GOP Leader McCarthy was initially hesitant to start an impeachment process: There is no THERE there. There's no data to support the suggestion that Biden has done anything criminal. Unfortunately, even when he's trying to be marginally reasonable, McCarthy has to grovel and bow to the conspiracy theorists in his party. It's pretty pathetic.

Dan Trabue said...

RE: H Biden being held accountable... I've heard/read this in multiple places...

I want H Biden to be held accountable as per typical processes. I don't want him to get off easy as the president's son, but neither do I want him overly penalized because he's the president's son.

Ultimately, he is a person making bad decisions due to addiction problems. Such people mostly need support, not criminal prosecution. Which is not to say that he shouldn't receive the typical penalty for such misdeeds, but, well, as noted, he shouldn't be overly penalized either.

I support him being held accountable for any profiteering he did off his father's name, IF it was illegal, and I support the same for the Trump family, who clearly profiteered off his time in the presidency. Unfortunately, probably most of what H Biden and the Trumps all did (when it comes to profiteering) was not criminal or against any codes. I'd support that being changed. As I've been clear.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

"Do you NOT understand how ironic this is, coming from a Trump defender, the SINGLE MOST perverted, dishonest, amoral and just plain stooped shipwreck of a human soul since Andy Jackson?"

The real perverted, dishonest, amoral and just plain stooped shipwreck of a human soul" Dan and Biden, as well as the Biden puppeteers. All these people support and promote every sexual perversion imaginable as they groom school children to be perverts, the murder of children in the womb, the delusion that men can be women and women can be men. Biden has told more lies than any other President in history (the lie about his some being combat wounded, the lie of being at ground zero on 9/12/01, and I could go on with the list to an unimaginable length of woppers.

As for being anti-law and order the demokrats/LEFT allow rioters to do what they want without punishment, they encourage the looting of businesses on a daily basis, they stopped capital punishment in most states, they give light sentences for every imaginable sexual assault and rape. They have defunded police forces to were criminals run roughshod over many cities, they throw the Constitution out the window on a daily basis.

Dan is so deluded with his lGBTQ rainbow in his brain.

Craig said...

1. Speaking of believing a conspiracy theory. Of course, that's the point isn't it. The rioters and looters by and large got away (and continue to get away) with their depredations without punishment, while J6 protesters are getting hit with disproportionate sentences. I guess that's justice in Biden's America.

2. Possibly. But just watch the coverage, the vast majority of the rioters caught on film were black or other POC and (as you regularly point out with pride) blacks are overwhelmingly liberal/DFL. So while there might have been some tiny minority of evil agent provocateurs, the reality is that the mobs went right along with them and gleefully joined in the destruction. Are you really telling me that black folx are incapable of ignoring someone trying to lead them towards rioting?

3. Excellent, the "Two wrongs make a right." excuse.

4. It's strange ho proud you are when blacks overwhelmingly vote DFL year after year, yet how strange it is that you pretend that these same people aren't actually on the left. What you believe, is irrelevant.

5. Bullshit. Of course this made up ratio is likely True for J6 as well, and the J6 protesters did exponentially less damage and caused exponentially less harm.

6. Blah, blah, blah. I saw black rioters throwing Molotov cocktails, assaulting cops with deadly weapons, and brazenly threatening to kill LEO, but you keep living in your fantasy world. Y'all are the "De fund the police" folx, be consistent.

7. "It's being concerned about those who are too often harmed by the police." You do realize that the actual numbers of "people harmed by the police" are far less than you seem to believe (especially the virtually non existent cop shoots unarmed black man for no reason scenario). Strangely enough, this concern for "people" being harmed is only evident when the "people" meet certain criteria, nor does it extend to cops. FYI, thanks for making our streets less safe since 2020 and de fund the police.

"Are you suggesting that being opposed to police violence means that we're against law and order? If so, do you recognize how irrational and harmful that would be?"

No. I'm suggesting that exaggerating a problem (especially by treating old data as if it applies currently) is a problem. I'm suggesting that ignoring the reality that the places where people protest and riot against police violence are places virtually all controlled by the DFL, and with POC in leadership positions. Unfortunately, y'all don't want to take responsibility for the "racist" systems y'all control.

Craig said...

Strangely enough, the DFL passion for "law and order" has resulted in shoplifting being virtually decriminalized is some cities, increased car jackings, fewer police on the streets, and all sorts of great outcomes. Good job DFL.

Craig said...

"I'm just noting the reality that, in spite of investigations that the GOP has done, there is NO evidence of wrongdoing on J Biden's part."

This is absolutely staggering in it's blind partisanship. Proof of millions of dollars in payments to Biden family members from foreign entities, volumes of emails from Biden using aliases, Biden lying about his involvement with Hunter's "business" dealings, etc. Yeah, these not a thing.

Craig said...

"but neither do I want him overly penalized because he's the president's son."

Pour encourager les autres. Of course, the fact that it's hypocritical as hell to try to get Hunter a sweetheart deal on 3 gun felonies, while Biden is trying to crack down on guns.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another lie from Biden: He says he taught at UPenn but never did!

Dan Trabue said...

Yeah, these not a thing.

In case you missed the point: YES. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE BIT OF EVIDENCE that incriminates J Biden. There is RUMOR. There is INNUENDO. There are CONSPIRACY theories, but NO evidence that indicts J Biden. If there were, your party would present it.

Look, I GET that you all are REALLLLY into conspiracy theories and secret plots to do evil, but that you're into nonsense claims doesn't make them legitimate.

IF and when any legal professionals present evidence against J Biden, THEN we will call for his ouster. That's the difference between the modern GOP who clearly hates law and order when it is applied to THEM and THEIR crimes, and the Democrats. We want to see wrongdoers held accountable, EVEN IF it's one of our guys. Your side is talking about conspiracy theories, civil wars and refusing to accept a conviction if and when it happens. That's Marshal's promise, after all.

When you take your side to task for their anti-law and order stances, THEN I will believe you give a darn about law and order. But as long as you defend Trump, you are on the side of those opposed to law and order.

Marshal Art said...

The words "no history of lying" keeps sounding in my head as I read Dan's comments. Good gosh, the irony! Dan loves irony. Maybe that's why he does the opposite of what he says (I'm referring to that "no history of lying". But this is another drive-by. I can get really specific really easily later.

For now, though, let's look at that last bit of comedy gold Craig just quoted:

"but neither do I want him overly penalized because he's the president's son."

While Dan pretends he's truly concerned about the Bidens being held accountable, he has no problem with unjust incarceration and sentencing for so many J6 protesters for what amounts to no more than trespassing at worst. Some still languish, several have gotten extremely unjust prison time, having terrorist enhancements applied for what is said, NOT PROVEN, to have been seditious behaviors. And of course, the 14 million charges against Trump, all of which are crap and most of which are just whatever they can think of adding to the list in order to ensure he is convicted of something so that he can be denied the ability to run for office, and the American people will be denied restoring him to the White House to Make America Great Again...or at least far less crappy than Dan's "better choice" has made the nation in so short a time. Dan's words above stand as yet another intentional lie by Dan (unless he wants to claim he's just too stupid such that he might be "mistaken") given what he supports being done to those who have not obviously committed obvious crimes.

But know...embrace grace!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another massive lie from Biden.

Craig said...

"In case you missed the point: YES. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE BIT OF EVIDENCE that incriminates J Biden. There is RUMOR. There is INNUENDO. There are CONSPIRACY theories, but NO evidence that indicts J Biden. If there were, your party would present it."

You do realize that the appearance of literally one piece of evidence invalidates your claim, don't you? I was under the impression that eyewitness testimony was, in fact, evidence. It sounds like emails under aliases, phone records, bank records, and the like would also be considered evidence. Now that evidence may not be enough to convict, but to deny the existence of this evidence is simply willful blindness. Given your ignorance of much of the legal process, you could be excused from knowing that the prosecution is under no obligation to publicly disclose it's evidence to the public prior to trial. The reality is that you simply have zero grounds to make your absurd and sweeping claim because you are ignorant of what evidence exists. Similarly, there is no requirement that the GOP present all of the evidence it has during the investigation stage of the impeachment process. Again, I'll chalk that up to ignorance and your petulant childish nature.