Thursday, January 18, 2024

Random Stuff

 How is it possible for a woman with zero hard evidence, beyond the statute of limitations, who literally can provide zero specific details of what happened magically gain standing in a court to accuse someone of a crime?

Is it me do do all the instances where "illegal immigrants" are being reportedly allowed on commercial aircraft in the US without having to go through any of the security protocols the rest of us are subjected to seem like a problem?

The White House press secretary was confronted with a claim the that Washington Post fact checkers has given three Pinocchios to because the WH claim was false, proceeds to argue against actual evidence that the WH claim was accurate.  

Daniel Penny subdues a violent guy on a subway threatening the passengers, and accidentally kills him.   For some reason he's being treated as the bad guy.   I can't imagine what his conviction will do to anyone who might be tempted to intervene in defense of people.   Likely we'll see more people standing around with their phones on record, than intervening to save people being attacked or threatened.   New reports indicate that Penny was threatened as he left the court house.  The threats were racist and violent.   Does the justice system have a responsibility to protect Penny from these left wing, racist, thugs?

Apparently the Biden administration decided to block the merger between Spirit and Jet Blue, and a federal judge agreed.   According to CNN, it's likely that this will result in Spirit going out of business with a loss of @12,000 jobs.   I don't understand how this will benefit the economy.  

Remember back in October of 2020 when Biden claimed that the Hunter laptop story was a "smear campaign", and "disinformation" from Putin?    Fast forward to 2024 when the DOJ confirms that Biden was lying and the the laptop and it's contents are as advertiser.   But it's OK Biden was just lying to protect his election chances and his depraved son.  September 2021 Jen Psaki called the laptop story "disinformation". 

We know how the left loves polling data, except when it says that 71% of Americans think the Biden economy sucks. 


Marshal Art said...

Seven topics in your roundup, so I'll respond by number.

1. Even allowing for differences between criminal suits and civil suits, it still seems absurd that something which allegedly happened so long ago, with the details of which impossibly convoluted and not provable, would be allowed by any objective judge. Clearly any who would hear this "case" isn't objective at all and is keen on piling on Trump. But let's say something as she described actually happened. Given the passing of so many years, and the fact that for whatever reason she decided not to go after him when it was a bit more fresh, isn't there a point where a victim loses a right for legal or civil redress? How many years can one go without seeking justice before the system is justified in regretfully refusing? It's not as if it's a cold case murder.

Now, however, I'm hearing that she's trying to get him for insulting her, or demeaning her or humiliating her with his response to her charges. That's an actionable offense? Good gosh, we're screwed if this proceeds!

2. It's clearly been a problem in a veritable cornucopia of ways. But I think among the heinous problem is how our own people don't get the consideration these law breakers get.

3. As with Dan, what the current administration says is true or false absolutely is despite what evidence suggests. They even perpetuate much for which no evidence exists at all!

4. The lunatic thug Daniel Penny restrained wasn't killed by his restraint technique, but by virtue of merely being restrained while agitated, as seems to be quite common in many cases the left decries due to the skin colors of the participants. Just as Chauvin didn't kill Floyd, Penny didn't kill the thug he restrained. But the point you make is legitimately concerning. It's the same effect we've seen on law enforcement officers who are more burdened than ever of deciding whether or not it's worth to them personally to do their jobs.

But let's say a good citizen like Penny, or a cop, actually does employ a technique where results in a thug's death. So what? So long as it can't be proven the intention was to kill, or more importantly, if the intention was to prevent the thug from perpetrating more criminal behavior and possibly harming innocent people, I'm not likely to lose a wink of sleep over the thug's death. One less thug making life more dangerous for others isn't a bad thing.

As an aside, Dan tells me intentions are meaningless. And when a black guy dies, it just racism and intentions don't matter.

As to those threats against Penny...were any of those who threatened him arrested with hate crimes enhancements? Didn't think so.

5. I'm unaware of this story, but on the face of it, it seems clearly to be unjustified government intrusion into the private sector. How do they get between two parties and the agreement they've made? What's their justification? Do you know?

6. It seems to me that much of what the White House does is delayed to a point where they can blow it off even if the truth comes out. There's no doubt in my mind that they knew exactly that it belonged to the coke-addled slut of son of Joe Biden right from the beginning.

7. The most worrisome aspect, of course, is how many will still vote for Democrats. I keep asking how much pain Dem voters have to feel in order for them to know they're being destroyed and who's doing it?

Craig said...

1. What's even more bizarre is that the judge is apparently not allowing evidence of her views of/approach to sex "(rape is sexy or words to that effect), and other voluntary public statements that undermine her.

2. It's simply ridiculous that the left thinks that this is acceptable.

3. It's all about the narrative, to hell with the Truth.

4. The specifics are immaterial. The "victim" was clearly an imminent threat to the safety of multiple innocent people and had to be restrained to protect the innocent. They could have waited for the cops, and accepted the harm caused to innocents as a cost of doing business. We're heading toward a society where protecting of the weak and innocent is going to become extremely rare. I place the responsibility for all future harm to innocents because people won't intervene squarely on the left. I'm not sure what happened to those who threatened him. The point being that the judicial system now has an absolute responsibility to protect him from any who would threaten him, even though they probably agree with those who do the threatening.

5. The justification is anti trust. What's interesting (especially in light of those who laud Trump's SCOTUS picks as a 100% good thing) is that the judge was a Regan appointee. Clearly jumping to conclusions on the good/bad of a judicial appointee is not a good idea. Again, the point is that the Biden admin is perfectly fine with Spirit going under and the 12k jobs lost (it'd probably net out less than 12k due to the pilot shortage, but still)

6 Absolutely their strategy is to deny, deny, deny until they can't credibly deny. Then they argue that it's an old story and not worth talking about. But we certainly shouldn't expect the Truth from the Biden admin.

7. If what we're seeing in the black community actually comes to pass, I think that the tide might be starting to turn. I saw something yesterday that was interesting. If you took two states which has similar conditions and one was red, one blue, the red state folks could probably predict what their state would look like in 25 years with a reasonably high degree of accuracy. The blue state folks likely couldn't (other then predicting general decline). One of my favorite quotes is, "We learn through pain.", and it's just a question of how much pain is necessary to teach the lesson.