Saturday, January 20, 2024

Trump Trials

 Well, it sounds like the Trump "rape" trial isn't going well after the "victim" testified about the dress she was wearing.   A dress that didn't exist until years after the alleged "rape" allegedly happened.   It sounds like they are trying to set up a Blue Dress scenario, except the don't have a dress or any physical evidence.  It also sounds like Trump has already be tried for this "rape" and found to have not committed it.  

In the GA trial, we're learning that the prosecutor decided to bring in the guy she was having an affair with, who'd never prosecuted a similar case, and got paid millions of dollars to do so.  

People keep acting as if Trump's legal troubles are so serious, yet in these two plus the NY trial,  it's looking like it's not particularly significant.    It's likely that Trump will "lose" in NY because it's pretty obvious that the Judge has already decided the outcome, and we'll have to wait for the appeals to get a better idea of what actually happened.   Given the fact that the alleged "victim" of Trump's "fraud" had the loans in question completely repaid, did their due diligence before the underwrote the loans, and has no complaints at all, it's hard to see where the convictable "fraud is, but I'm sure the judge will follow the evidence and ignore it if needed. 


Marshal Art said...

This is clearly not an issue dependent or requiring one to declare dislike or favoring of Donald Trump specifically. I get that even many who vote for him aren't necessarily enamored with him as a person. I have an issue or two myself, though not about anything which has had any significant effect on the American people.

No. This is clear abuse of power, "lawfare" as they call it. Not a single one of the several trials Trump faces is based on anything truthful or worthy of the effort and tax dollars put forth to prosecute. In other words, each is a kangaroo court, Stasi in nature and a complete indictment of those who are waging these legal battles against him for the obvious purpose of denying him a chance at a second term. These asshats seem to forget we have what's know as "elections" which determine whether one is deserving or not, barring solid, unassailable evidence proving illegal activity. That's far more likely concerning Biden & Co. or even the Democrat Party, than anything they're trying to falsely pin on Trump.

It totally disgusts me and any who think Trump's travails are the result of true wrongdoing are morons and liars. The only benefit of this whole charade is that we know more assuredly than we had already know who the true danger to this republic truly is.

The left.

God save us from these evil people.

Craig said...

So far, what we are seeing is that in these specific trials, is that the establishment is willing to engage in virtually any corrupt means necessary to make it difficult for trump to win. I am not willing to say that every single charge against Trump is 100% baseless, because we just don't have enough information yet to make that claim.

The "insurrection" claims have been proven to be bullshit, since no one has actually been convicted (much less charged) with "insurrection".

As I've written several times, the NY fraud case is clearly bullshit.

The more new information we get about the voting machines, and the election irregularities based on audits, me might find that the election denial charges are also bullshit, or mostly bullshit.

The woman who's currently accusing him of rape has virtually zero actual evidence (I know that dems don't care much about believing rape charges with no evidence, they're all in), and seems to have mental health issues.

Obviously that GA trial is turning into a shit show, and the corruption on the prosecution side is disturbing to say the least.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, virtually every singe anti-Trump narrative that the DFL/MSM have jumped on and assured us was True has been proven false. I guess we'll see.

As an aside. One narrative in the black community is that the justice system is tilted against blacks. I wonder if seeing that the justice system is tilted against Trump will motivate more black voters to be sympathetic with, support, or vote for Trump in November.

Marshal Art said...

I've heard already that blacks do indeed identify with Trump in growing numbers for that very reason. I'd be happier to hear that it was simply the motivation it took to take an objective look at his record and compare it to any Dem they would generally support, but whatever. Actually, some are turning to Trump for that reason, but this justice system angle adds to it nicely.

By the way, I have an article which speaks to the claim of a racially biased justice system and plan to do a post on it. I'm sure you can guess at least the gist of it.

Craig said...

I wrote about the increasing number of blacks who are acknowledging that Trump did more for them than Biden has done, and who are prepared to support Trump.

In this case, I could definitely see trump being persecuted by the justice system/Biden administration being an additional incentive.

I did the numbers a while back and it wouldn't take a huge number of blacks to either vote for Trump or sit out entirely to swing the election.