Christian Pakistani woman sentenced to death because she wouldn’t convert to Islam (precipitated because she drank from the “wrong” water cup. Liberals who allegedly espouse “human rights” and tout Islam as the “religion of peace” remain totally silent.
Let’s put this in perspective, there is more uproar (and racism) triggered because Kanye soent time in the Oval Office, than for a woman sentenced to death for being a Christian. More perspective, it’s ok when rappers with the same sort of lyrical genius and class as Kanye pal around with P-BO, but let Kanye stray off the liberal plantation and let the racism and charges of mental illness fly.
I have noticed a few courageous leftists who have had the amazing fortitude to gently point out that Hillary was mildly incorrect in her recent comments about her husband engaging in sexual harassment. It’s not as consistent as you’d like, but it’s a start and I applaud it.
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I guess any time a black person tries to leave the liberal plantation they’re “crazy”, which then demeans those who actually have mental health issues. Or they’re fair game for racial slurs.
But this post isn’t about that, it’s about the silence of liberal christians who would rather defend Islam than a sister in Christ.
Your silence is deafening.
Here's another example of using deception to try to demonize others and immoral embrace of false allegations as a tactic.
They/you all take a random, relatively small news story from someplace far away, point to it, point to no one having talked about it, and then saying "See! There is evidence liberals are hypocrites!"
I have not commented on your story nor any of the news stories about gay people being put in prison in the Africa. Nor have you. Is that evidence that you don't care about it? Or just that in reality we don't talk about every new story in the world?
Don't embrace deceptive practices in communication. It undermines you as a credible person and generally places you on the side of wrong and against right.
Except I’m not talking about you, I’m making a general observation. But I’d agree that when you tell lies, it does place you in the side of wrong.
Do you recognize that your response does not deal with what I actually said?
It's things like this that make me think you're just a troll.
The point being that pointing to ONE NEWS story that you are familiar with but not necessarily anyone else is and saying, "SEE!?? Liberals haven't addressed this ONE NEWS STORY that I CHOSE AT RANDOM! Therefore, they don't really care about human rights!"
That is an insane/irrational measure for whether or not someone is concerned about human rights. It's nonsensical. It fails to make your point.
I don't know if you don't recognize/understand that or if you just don't care.
I know this may shock you, but perhaps that’s because your comments aren’t responding to the point of my post. Maybe, you could consider the fact, that I am simply being consistent to what I wrote in the original post and trying to herd you back in that general direction.
As for this ridiculous troll idiocy, if you think that after all of the years that we’ve been in conversations, all of the email conversations that we’ve had outside of blog conversations and everything else that’s happened that I am some sort of control, the problem doesn’t lie with me. It’s even more ironic given the fact that you are giving aid and comfort to someone who is much more of a troll than I. I know you probably won’t understand this either, but you might want to consider the fact that how you treat people has ramifications for how people treat you.
Here's the problem people like Dan possibly aren't sharp enough to grasp: the media chooses what to report and what to ignore. The media is by and large an extension of the leftist movement. Imagine the difference in the lives of Christians in muslim majority countries if our media focused on their plight with the same fervor they do in reporting on Kanye! But such things aren't important to the left if it doesn't move their agenda forward. Everything is for exploitation with that end in mind. They'll pretend their outraged by an alleged sexual assault from 36 years allegation that is just as possibly false as true, if not more so...while women are abused all over the world (including in this country) because of islam. And the lefties ignore that real abuse. If they could figure out how to smear the right-wing by focusing on such things, they'd be constantly reporting on it.
What’s interesting is that the news I referred to was all over various places I see, and it clearly wasn’t obscure.
But, the point of the post is that the media is more aroused by Kanye in the oval, than a woman killed for apostasy. Or, that the media got more aroused by the possibility of drunken groping 30 years ago, than a woman killed for apostasy. Or, that had this woman been killed by anyone even loosely affiliated with Christianity, instead of by an Islamic theocracy, it would have been front page news.
It’s all about the double standard.
Of course now that Dan is aware, he still can’t muster up anything like sympathy for the woman or criticism of Shariah.
Troll-boys, I'll take you just a BIT more seriously when you all deem to take the time to decry the oppression of gay folk in places in Africa, for instance. Or really, when you comment on ALL the bad stuff that happens anywhere and everywhere.
The point being that just because we don't comment ON EVERY SINGLE BAD THING that happens in the world, ever, does not mean we don't care.
But that is obvious to people of good will who are interested in reasonable, intelligent discussion.
Which leaves us with you two.
I'll await an apology for the stupid attack, but of course, don't expect one.
And, of course, part of the problem is that you can KNOW that I oppose anyone being oppressed, including Christians in Pakistan, and so you can reasonably expect that, yes, of course, I'd think it's horrible. WHY would I think that? Because I oppose oppression and harm of people anywhere.
On the other hand, I can't be sure that you two troll-types DO oppose the imprisoning of gay men for the "crime" of being gay in Africa or elsewhere, because for you two, I just don't know if you are opposed consistently to the oppression of people anywhere. I'd be willing to bet that at least Marshall is NOT opposed to gay men being imprisoned in Africa. So, Craig, to take YOU more seriously, I'd have to wait to see you take on Marshall's (and maybe your) inconsistency on this point.
Me? You can rest assured that I'm always opposed to every instance of actual oppression, anywhere.
I see two problems with your last comments.
1. Your narcissism aside, this post isn’t about you.
2. You seem to have missed the point of the post.
Given your stubborn unwillingness to acknowledge and apologize for your slanderous, ad hominem personal attacks as well as your allowing of others to engage the same, your call for an apology is hollow to say the least.
I continue to nite the irony.
And there it is. The empty headed hypocritical milquetoast lack of reasoning that is come to Mark modern conservatism. What a pity.
I have to note that in two comments where you puff yourself up with pride, try to tear down others, and talk about how we should assume things about you; (I’ll ignore the massive contradiction) nowhere do you actually express anything about the specific instance being cited. Only the broad, general, bland, platitudes. You get close, but don’t quite get there.
Of course I oppose the imprisonment of people in Africa (as well as the Muslim world where they’re put to death) for “being gay”.
It’s just easier for you to pretend.
If pointing out reality is “empty headed”, then we’re all in trouble.
But, then intellectual honesty, consistency, and living by the standards you apply to others aren’t hallmarks of you or the broader political left.
"I'll await an apology for the stupid attack, but of course, don't expect one."
That's rich. I've never...not ONCE...received and apology from you for any of the many attacks on my character that you've leveled over the years. NOT ONCE. Nor have you made the least effort to explain why your attacks are every justified...whether it's directly from you, or as your alter ego "feodor". To you I'm racist, bigoted, hateful, homophobic, greedy and who knows what...preferring first to assume the worst when I express my opinions, which I do in a far more clear and direct manner than you ever do. In that, there's another huge difference between us. Your words lead to the conclusions we about you that we state...and I ALWAYS make the clear connection. But my words NEVER match the accusations you then throw at me. It's like all you lefties saying the right hates women when we defend the right to life of the unborn.
My opposition to bad treatment of people simply because they're exposed as homosexual is pretty much a given when honest people consider the context in which the subject generally comes up...the evils of islam. But one needn't decipher when I've been quite bold and clear in stating I oppose such things. To pretend that there is some mystery on that score in your mind is simply another case of you attacking my character and lying willfully about it.
Not only have I never received an apology from Dan for any of the attacks he's engaged in that target me personally or for making false claims, I've rarely even gotten apologies when I've definitively proven him to be wrong or his claims to be false. I guess narcissists don't apologize.
Irony? Or just the trollings of an Internet troll...?
Just for the record, anytime that I'm proven wrong I admit it and apologize. If I never apologize to you, then you have never proven me wrong. Understand? More likely what you're talking about is that you find your argument compelling and I recognize it as other nonsense. And you think your idea of compelling this somehow definitively proven. The problems conservatives today... They don't understand the difference between opinion and fact, way too often.
Also, this is a simple point of fact, I have not made any false claims with you. Claims that you fail to understand the point or not the same as a false claim.
“. It is maximized because of the evil actions of rapists and the people like you who lend them support.“
The above is a claim you made, in your own words.
Provide proof of your claim
Admit that your claim is false and apologize
I’ll wait.
“Just for the record, anytime that I'm proven wrong I admit it and apologize.”
I’d ask for proof of this unbelievably fantastic claim, but know it won’t be forthcoming. Because if copy/pasting quotes from you that contradict your own claims isn’t enough, then nothing is.
I provided proof of the claim. It's factual. That you may not understand the facts or want to admit to them, does not change their factual status.
Allow me to repeat...
I. When women are not believed when they make accusations of sexual harassment or rape, the data shows as a point of fact that they are less likely to report them. I'll say it again, the data shows that not believing women who make reports about sexual abuse, makes women less likely to report them.
As a point of fact.
Do you understand that fact?
Moving on then...
II. When women do not report their sexual harassment or attacks, then rapists and sexual assailants get off more frequently. Just basic reality.
Do you understand that basic reality?
Now then, to connect the dots for you...
III. If women are not believed, then rapistS get off more frequently. Put another way, the trend of not believing women, of mocking and belittling them, making them the butt of jokes, etc, as has happened in the real world with dr. Ford... not believing women when they make reports makes life easier for rapists. As a simple point of reality.
Do you understand that reality now? If so, then you can apologize for suggesting that I made a false claim and admit it was just a misunderstanding.
One must first accept the truth, which Dan refuses to do when that truth is inconvenient. "Not compelling"? Nonsense. "Compelling" doesn't compel Dan to accept that which is inconvenient to his agenda. If he didn't believe fire was hot, I could light him up with a torch and he wouldn't find that compelling if "fire is hot" interfered with his position.
What's more, it is one thing to say that the argument of another is not compelling. It is quite another to merely say so without anything substantive to support the contention. So again, "not compelling" is just Dan's way of rejecting outright that which is inconvenient to accept.
Did you even read your own words?
You clearly made a claim about me supporting rapists, not about other people, you made a specific false claim about me.
Prove your claim or apologize and admit that your “anytime” doesn’t really mean “any time”.
"I. When women are not believed when they make accusations of sexual harassment or rape, the data shows as a point of fact that they are less likely to report them."
What data?
Who's accumulating and analyzing the data?
How is it confirmed that when one rape victim is "not believed", then that dissuades the next victim from reporting her own situation?
Saying "the data shows" requires showing the data and the analysis of it.
If a woman makes a claim, and the claim is as far-fetched and ridiculous as Ford's has been shown to be, how would a woman who actually suffered an actual attack be dissuaded from reporting her situation? And what if that actual victim found Ford to be full of crap regarding her allegations against Kavanaugh? Reason suggests an actual victim would not concern herself with the situations of others.
As to making false claims, I don't think Craig...and I know I wasn't...was limiting ourselves to any alleged data regarding the reactions of current victims to the troubles of past victims. There's a host of false claims by which you stand, Dan.
By all means, clarify your own position. Tell me that yes dr. Ford should be believed. Tell me that the people who are mocking her and calling her a liar are wrong. Step up and say that Trump is wrong for mocking her. Take a stand and show that you're not one of the deviants defending rapist and perverts. Do that and I will gladly apologize. But not until.
Here, maybe this will help you understand...
Back in the 1800s and earlier there were people who did not own slaves and who did not speak out in support of slavery. And yet some of those same people also did not speak out against slavery and actively fight against it. I am saying that those who did not actively fight against slavery, those who did not actively speak out against slavery, these people too are partially to be considered Defenders of slavery.
There's that old quotes about all that evil needs to succeed is for normal people to say nothing.
Given the plague of rape and sexual assaults that afflicts our world and Nation, we are to the time where good people need to actively speak out against rapist and in support of victims and those making claims, or otherwise they are part of the problem.
Those who said of Dr. Ford, "why doesn't she remember more?" are part of the problem. Those who said "why didn't you say something earlier...?" are part of the problem.
It's time for good people to speak up or get out of the way and recognize that they are part of the problem.
You come to my blog, refuse to apologize for your blatantly false claims about my character and integrity, then demand that I jump through your hoops so that you will do what you claim you do “anytime”, I guess that’s just one more false claim you won’t apologize for.
Do you seriously think that making demands unrelated to the situation at hand is a rational and mature response to being caught in a lie?
Of course the irony just keeps growing.
Here's your chance, Craig. Marshall just referred to Dr. Ford's claim as being ridiculous and far-fetched. Marshall with this attack on victims is discouraging victims from speaking out and thereby Marshall is defending rapists, helping make it easier for rapist to get away with their crimes. Marshall is part of the problem.
Will you condemn him and demonstrate that you are not part of the problem? Or will you remain silent?
It’s interesting that you were vehement about not knowing exact numbers when it wa to your perceived advantage, but now you perceive differently and ignore your previous position.
And there is... the Dodge. The support for men who abuse women, men who Attack girls and women... For men who rape women.
Which side are you on, boys? You're making yourself horribly clear.
Three comments and not even the remotest attempt to demonstrate the veracity of the specific claim you made attacking my integrity and character, only demands that other bow to your commands.
Why should I accede to your demands when you refuse to simply demonstrate where I’ve specifically supported rape?
One Mose question to avoid.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. Suffice to say, the question has been answered. Unlike my questions to you. Coward. Rapist Defender.
Please, provide the evidence that demonstrates to truthfulness of your claim about my integrity and character. Please show me the quotes where I supported rape or rapists? Simply asserting that you’ve done something isn’t proof.
Cowardice is failing to prove your claims, blaiming others, and calling people names like a petulant child.
Then to top it of you make the false claim again.
But, I do appreciate both the BS and the irony piling deeper and deeper. Of course the irony that you’re perpetuating your lies in one thread, while decrying some people’s lies in another thread is just another layer of irony.
I'll say it slow. Small Words. Big Letters.
I know I used a two syllable word in there, but I'm hoping you can figure it out.
Again and for the last time, i can explain it to you, i can't understand it for you.
That you don't UNDERSTAND my factually accurate position does not mean that it isn't factually accurate.
provide the evidence that demonstrates to truthfulness of your claim about my integrity and character.
Done and done.
That you continue to dodge and support rapists or ignore those who defend them only demonstrates your lack of character and integrity.
Stop it.
I believe you would, if you weren't a troll.
Since you haven’t provide an actual quote from me “supporting rapists”, you haven’t demonstrated the accuracy of your false claim.
You can’t prove claims about my integrity and character by expressing your opinions about people WHO AREN’T ME.
If you can’t provide actual quotes, you need to admit the fact that you’re just doubling down on your lies.
The piling of irony on top of irony is increasingly amusing. The fact that you’ve had to resort to name calling because you can’t provide proof of your claims is telling.
This is the last time I'll ask, again I think you're just a troll most likely.
But, giving you the benefit of the doubt... Do you agree that people who remained silent in the days of slavery were guilty of supporting slavery? I'm not saying they're AS guilty as slave owners, but I am saying they're guilty... that they hold a measure of guilt for indirectly defending and supporting slavery. Do you agree with that basic reality that I suspect that most ethicist and most moral philosophers would agree with?
This is the last time I'll ask, again I think you're just a troll most likely.
But, giving you the benefit of the doubt... Do you agree that people who remained silent in the days of slavery were guilty of supporting slavery? I'm not saying they're AS guilty as slave owners, but I am saying they're guilty... that they hold a measure of guilt for indirectly defending and supporting slavery. Do you agree with that basic reality that I suspect that most ethicist and most moral philosophers would agree with?
And, lest you don't understand the point... Your answer to this question is part of the proof of my claim.
And again you make a false accusation against me:
"Marshall just referred to Dr. Ford's claim as being ridiculous and far-fetched. Marshall with this attack on victims is discouraging victims from speaking out and thereby Marshall is defending rapists, helping make it easier for rapist to get away with their crimes. Marshall is part of the problem."
...yet my actual statement was this:
"If a woman makes a claim, and the claim is as far-fetched and ridiculous as Ford's has been shown to be..."
So first, her claim has been shown to be far-fetched and ridiculous. But what was her claim? That she was sexually assaulted? No. It was that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. THAT is the claim that has been shown to be far-fetched and ridiculous. That is, by any honest person who not only watched the entire hearings, but also read the statement from Rachel Mitchell afterward, a fact...NOT an attack on a victim.
By this, Dan purposely attacks me by trying to assert that by not "believing" the victim (Ford in this case), that I am contributing to some narrative that claims women are less likely to report their attacks because they're convinced by previous, poorly corroborated accusations that were not believed by those whose job it is to act on fact...not merely accusation. This is the moral bankruptcy of Dan Trabue, who feigns devotion to the teachings of Christ when it suits him to do so.
"NO!", says Dan. "You MUST believe Ford, because she made the claim!" It doesn't matter that after reviewing all that was said during the hearing, after reading all that came my way with regard to the case, that her testimony regarding Kavanaugh was NOT believable. No! It doesn't matter what the evidence says. It doesn't matter what the testimony is of a great many women who have known BK from as far back as that alleged incident to the present day. NO! Despite all of that, I must still believe Ford or in Dan's feeble, morally corrupt mind, I must be a defender of rapists!!
This is a guy who dares question the rationality and reasoning capabilities of others. He wants me to believe he cares about women who are victimized, when everything he's doing here demonstrates he's more concerned with demonizing conservatives and those who support Trump's presidency.
And therein is another of his lying, slanderous ways. That I support the presidency of Donald Trump somehow, in his fevered imaginings, PROVES, by golly, that I support the sexual misbehavior of Donald Trump!
And I thought I was a poor example of a Christian!
1. I’ve alread answered that question the last time you asked it.
2. You made a direct, specific claim about my character and integrity more than a week ago, yet you claim to need me to re answer a question NOW, to prove the claim you made THEN.
3. You originally made the (now demonstrated as false) claim that you’d already proven your original (also now demonstrated as false) claim. But now you need my help to prove what you’ve claimed (falsely) to have proven.
Nice continuing dodge. You can’t provide proof of your claim, so now you want me to give you something that you regard as retroactive proof.
As you build up to the inevitable point in the conversation where you get faux offended and storm off without answering questions or providing proof of your claims.
Keep on with the calling of names, the character attacks, and refusing to do what you claim you always do, and keep the irony coming.
I’d suggest that the existence of two people who say that they assaulted Ford, not Kavanaugh, that it’s even more reasonable to question Ford’s narrative. It’s certainly safe to say that here narrative is full of holes and contradictions and has no contemporaneous corraberation. Having said that, I believe that something happened to Ford, even if we don’t have enough details to know what.
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