Friday, March 6, 2020

Alrighty then

The media may not all be anti American or whatever, but clearly they’re not particularly intelligent either.

MSNBC’s Brian Williams reads a tweet: "Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. U.S. Population, 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million"

NYT Editorial Board Member Mara Gay: “It’s an incredible way of putting it. It’s true. It’s disturbing”

It's $1.53 per person”

If this is the level of intelligence from a major network anchor and a member of the NYT editorial board, the news media is in deep trouble.   Maybe it’s not intentional fake news, maybe it’s stupid.


Craig said...

It goes without saying that the original journalist who wrote the tweet is also an idiot. But these morons ran with the idiocy without checking the maths first.

Stan said...

The other commentator (can't remember his name) involved in that stupid math error took his own error well. "I'm investing in a calculator today."

Craig said...

At least that's something.