Thursday, March 5, 2020

Now that Warren is out

Now that Warren is out and we're left with two rich, old, white, men fighting for the DFL nomination, I'm seeing rending of garments, weeping, and gnashing of teeth, over the fact that there aren't any more women or minorities left in the DFL field.    (Ignoring the fact that apparently Tulsi still is)

The tone of these laments seems inconsistent with the reality that the reason why all the women and minorities got out of the race is that the DFL voters didn't support them.   The tolerant, inclusive, rainbow coalition, big tent,  DFL just showed that they won't support women, blacks, native Americans, or a gay guy, when given the choice to vote old, rich, and white.

Unfortunately, this is just one more example of the DFL failing to live up the the ideals that might have once motivated the political left.

Now the question is, will they support the guy who thinks he's married to his sister and thinks he's running for the South Carolina senate seat?  Or will they support the self proclaimed Socialist who has two volumes, silence and yelling, and who keeps saying nice things about Castro.

In 2016 we had possibly the two worst candidates ever running against each other in a presidential campaign.   At this point in 2020 it's safe to say that we have three horrible candidates at this point.

To be fair, Trump has proven better as president than as a candidate.   It's likely that Bernie will be a lame duck the day he takes the oath of office, and that Biden might not last through his first term.

I don't know what I'll do when I'm actually confronted with this choice for POTUS,  I can't imagine voting for any one of these three. 

I'm sure that the same folx wearing sack cloth and ashes as they realize that their party is just as racist and sexist as they accuse everyone else of being, will come out strongly behind the eventual nominee and that well be hearing about what great, well qualified candidates they are for POTUS. 

In any case, I might have to forgo live TV between now and election day.

" Women, stop pretending we’re persecuted in politics. The best candidate our gender could produce with was a habitual liar who profited off a minority group of which she claimed to belong? It’s not because we’re women. It’s the women who have run thus far are just terrible."

Jessica Fletcher


Craig said...

I can't wait for the Trump/Biden debate when Biden tries to accuse Trump of putting kids in cages.

Marshal Art said...

Much of what you say has been said by Dan in recent posts,with the exception being he gives absolutely no credit to Trump for the good work he's done as president.

Trump may not have lived like a Christian, but his work as president would suggest otherwise were there nothing but his record to consider. It is only this that one SHOULD consider when confronted with that choice come November. Could it bite you in the ass? In which election in your life was that not possible? We need to cement the benefits if the good work he's done thus far. Continued improvements will result in an unprecedented third and perhaps fourth consecutive terms of conservative GOP leadership in the White House. It may also mean that conservatives will actually act like they're conservative with a boldness we don't much see these days. We need that as a nation, as such serves everyone far better than the gimme, gimme pandering of Democrat/ socialist politics.

Dan Trabue said...

Unfortunately, this is just one more example of the DFL failing to live up the the ideals that might have once motivated the political left.

Democrats placed more votes on a woman (Clinton) that any other presidential winner in history, other than Barack Obama. I truly wish one of the women had won the election and think that Warren is probably the most qualified of all the candidates, but this is the problem of a large field. People who might have voted for Warren also had 20 other people to consider voting for. It diluted potential votes.

What I wish had happened is that Biden, Bernie and Billionaires had just sat on their damned hands instead of running. It is WAY past time that women had an opportunity to be president, here these 100 years after white women finally got the chance to vote. But it's a free nation and there's nothing to prevent them from running.

Regardless, it's not like we can pretend that the GOP would give even a passing glance at electing a woman, not in serious numbers. No, when a woman is finally elected to the presidency, it will be because Democrats are running a woman AND because of the work of primarily progressive, primarily democratic women (and their allies) won that election. You can be sure it won't be because of conservatives/the GOP.

How many women or people of color or gay folk have been serious candidates for the president in the GOP?


Craig said...

First, Tulsi is still in the race and apparently the DNC is changing the rules to keep her out of the debates.

Second- 2016 the GOP had both POC and a woman.

Third- well the GOP isn’t good doesn’t excuse the incredible hypocrisy on the part of the DFL voters.

Fourth- this post is about the DFL saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite.

Fifth- From what I’m seeing Nikki Haley is the presumptive front front runner for 2024. A minority woman, and y’all will find a way to demonize her.

It’s sweet that you wish things hadn’t been like this. That the DFL has lived up to what it claims it’s values are. If Trump wins y’all have no one to blame but yourselves.

Craig said...

Art, we need a wager. I’m sure there’s some worthy local beverage you could put up against one of our worthy local beverages.

Marshal Art said...


We like wine from a vineyard in Galena, IL., the home of U.S. Grant in the northwest corner of the state. It's about three hours away, but there's they have a store in Geneva, which is only about 45 minutes. I would put up a bottle or two of the wine of your preference. If you're more a beer guy, I'd have to ask someone about one of the local microbreweries.

Craig said...

Definitely more of a beer guy. If your more wine, I’d probably get some from a friend’s vineyard in KC.

Craig said...

You’ll note how mister “To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before”, immediately jumped onto the rich, old, white, male bandwagon instead of the young, female, person of color bandwagon.

The other obvious question being ignored is how do we know that Bernie and Biden aren’t women?

Marshal Art said...

The above links were chosen for the following reasons:

1. The first two, from the same source, indicates a follow-up of the first entry, providing more evidence that supports the first entry's premise.

2. The third link, though speaks to the same info as the second, provides different details thus giving a more complete picture of the premise presented.

I would also submit that we very often hear of "voter suppression" and "gerrymandering" by the GOP, and Dems are very concerned, taking such opinions as absolute fact of GOP malfeasance. Conversely, but not unexpectedly, those same concerned Dems will pooh-pooh any possible suggestion or research regarding voter fraud and illegals voting. That's because the Dem Party is composed of many liars.

The above link indicates that the incompetent and ineffective Barack Obama got the most popular votes in US history in 2008. But given that illegal votes are mostly cast for Democrats, those numbers could all be millions less in reality, even if Obama still could claim the title of top popular vote-getter. But let's look at some of Dan's other idiotic comments:

"I truly wish one of the women had won the election..."

Like most rational and intelligent people, I only wish that the best person wins an election, regardless of superficial characteristics such as sex, race or ethnicity. Only idiots vote on those characteristics.

"think that Warren is probably the most qualified of all the candidates"

Note the hypocrisy here. Among the disqualifying aspects of Trump's character (according to Dan), Dan cannot name a serious lie Trump's told, but continues to whine about him being a pathological liar. Warren, on the other hand, gets a complete pass from Dan.

The similarities between Warren and the "Liar-in-Chief" are more than recognized by honest observers. They are now taken for granted. The woman is a liar...and that's without taking into account her political positions, which for all Dems, are basically lies.

more on the way...

Craig said...

Admit it. When you read the words, to all the girls I’ve loved before, that your mind added either the Willie accent or the Julio accent.

Marshal Art said...

"People who might have voted for Warren also had 20 other people to consider voting for. It diluted potential votes."

Note the mindset of Dan's fellow Dems. Evidently, in a primary, they somehow feel unable to vote for the candidate they feel best because...they're distracted? There was a large field in the GOP primaries leading up to Nov 2016. I held fast to my favored candidate and cast my vote for him...Ted Cruz...and stuck with him until Trump became the party's candidate for president. It was only then that I wisely, if apprehensively, cast my vote for Trump. So sure, I might have voted for Fiorina had there not been so many candidates to consider...NOT!!! Had I thought Carly was the best candidate, I would have voted for her in the primaries. (Note: this is not to say that she was NOT considered by me, but I considered several as possible picks while I gathered info and weighed them out in order to determine who I felt was best. If we only had her and Trump to consider, I would have voted for her because then she would have been the best choice between the two. See how that works?)

"It is WAY past time that women had an opportunity to be president"

That's no more true than it was to say that it was WAY past time that a black man had an opportunity, and a stupid opinion for two reasons:

1. It will be a woman's time when a woman persuades enough people that she's worthy of their votes.

2. Women have always had the opportunity to put themselves in the position to present themselves as worthy of people's votes.

"Regardless, it's not like we can pretend that the GOP would give even a passing glance at electing a woman, not in serious numbers."

A baseless opinion given center-right people vote on merit, not on sex, race or ethnicity. But it's really just a bullshit comment from a low-intellect lefty who has contempt for other people like grace-embracing Christians do.

I would not wager against Dems getting a woman elected before the GOP, because Dems vote on irrelevant criteria, such as sex and race. "The first woman" is important to them for no legitimate reason but that they think "it;s time", as if that means anything tangible to the quality and character of the nation. I would have been more than happy to celebrate "the first black" president if the first black president wasn't such a loser. And I will celebrate the first female president if she is first the best candidate running at the time she is elected. Such a first female president will be a conservative. No Dem could possibly be the best choice in a general election should an even only an average Republican be on the ballot, because of all the harmful policies Dems support and promote as a matter of routine.

Marshal Art said...

"Admit it. When you read the words, to all the girls I’ve loved before, that your mind added either the Willie accent or the Julio accent."

It was the Julio accent. I don't know why. He doesn't begin the song.

Craig said...

I admit, I hear it in the Julio accent as well.

Craig said...

2016 GOP

2 Hispanic
1 African American
1 Woman

As if those sorts of categories matter to anyone who thinks competence and character are important.

If they have competence and character, I don't care what race, sex, protected class they belong to. Honestly, depending on a couple of issues, party either.