Wednesday, March 4, 2020

It's always interesting when data contradicts the left wing narrative (updated)

Here’s Hans Von Spakovsky writing for the Daily Signal:
Opponents of federal efforts to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress repeatedly claim that illegal immigrants are “less likely” to commit crimes than U.S. citizens—and thus represent no threat to public safety.
But that’s not true when it comes to federal crimes.
Noncitizens constitute only about 7% of the U.S. population. Yet the latest data from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that noncitizens accounted for nearly two-thirds (64%) of all federal arrests in 2018. Just two decades earlier, only 37% of all federal arrests were noncitizens.
These arrests aren’t just for immigration crimes. Noncitizens accounted for 24% of all federal drug arrests, 25% of all federal property arrests, and 28% of all federal fraud arrests.
In 2018, a quarter of all federal drug arrests took place in the five judicial districts along the U.S.-Mexico border. This reflects the ongoing activities of Mexican drug cartels. Last year, Mexican citizens accounted for 40% of all federal arrests.
In fact, more Mexicans than U.S. citizens were arrested on charges of committing federal crimes in 2018.
Migrants from Central American countries are also accounting for a larger share of federal arrests, going from a negligible 1% of such arrests in 1998 to 20% today.

In this study, Dr. Rich Savin-Williams examined a representative sample of more than 12,000 American youth, following each from the age of 16 to 22. Rather than rely on an individual’s reconstruction of his or her past based on current identity, researchers met with subjects three times throughout the six-year period. Each time, they asked individuals (via a computer, to protect privacy) whether they had had a romantic attraction to a member of the opposite or same sex since their last interview.
For instance, 17-year-old males were asked if, in the past year, they had had a romantic attraction to another male or female. About 1.5 percent reported only having a romantic attraction to other males. Five years later, when that 1.5 percent were asked about their romantic attractions since last interview, the overwhelming majority (70 percent) reported a 180-degree flip in their sexual orientation—they only had romantic feelings for women.
Similarly, among females, about 40 percent switched from exclusive same-sex attraction to exclusive opposite-sex attraction. Most of the rest (45 percent of the total) reported they had feelings for both men and women. Only 1 percent of women who, at 17, reported a full year of exclusive same-sex attraction reported a similar experience in the five years that followed."

Damn, data.  It always ruins things.

In reality this raises some interesting questions/problems.

1.  If this research is true, then the biblical prohibition on homosexual acts makes a lot more sense.
2.  If homosexuality is fluid, then it seems like there is some degree of natural conversion therapy at work.
3.  This explains why people who identify as homosexual end up married to people of the opposite sex.
4.  If this is the case that it means that homosexuality as an orientation is even less common than believed.
5.  This raises the question.  How much of homosexual activity is driven by "peer pressure" or the left wing societal equivalent?


Marshal Art said...

I've presented such statistics before when faced with the claim that illegals are more law-abiding than the average American. Of course the most important truth with regard to the claim, regardless of whether or not it is true (which it clearly isn't), is that the crimes committed by illegals wouldn't be happening here and burdening our people and justice system were they denied entry in the first place...and then protected by those among us who thus bear the most responsibility for American suffering as a result...the leftists.

Craig said...

It's hard to argue against government data, but they will.