Monday, May 11, 2020

If y'all think

If y'all think that the denial of the virus and the resistance to social distancing is something that's just a conservative thing, think again.

This is so far beyond anything I've heard from any conservative,  I really don't have too much to say.


Marshal Art said...

Wow! What's wrong with that guy? Does he know feo?

Craig said...

This is the latest. I think that there are more similarities than some might be comfortable with.

"T.S. Eliot’s last stanza of his 98 stanza poem, “Hollow Men” may be the most quoted of all of Eliot’s poetry, says Wikipedia.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

That is how I feel about our end, the end of humanity, which will happen before this decade ends unless there is a literal, supernatural intervention. That is how I see it. They have destroyed us with fakery and deception.

Humanity put on its mask, isolated, distanced, and decided that its basic rights and freedoms were selfish and gave them up. Humanity denied everything that had at one time defined it, because they believed a lie, a lie so well-crafted that they believed they were doing the right thing by doing what was against their very nature, what humans have done as long as they have been around. Humanity gave up its own power of healing that it had known since humanity began, allowing the clever powers to take it and tell humanity what was best for it.

We allowed ourselves to be tricked. In Genesis, it was a trick by the serpent that started it all.

The serpents who run this game are watching, waiting, for their impeccable plan to run its course. No need to fire a shot. No need for tanks or martial law. No need for a bang. We submit with a whimper, perhaps not even that. The whimper won’t come until it is far too late. Perhaps we will never whimper because we may never know that we were ever deceived. Maybe that will be a mercy."

Marshal Art said...

From reading the posted link, this guy confuses with what he says. Parts of his "sermon" are not objectionable, while other parts certainly are. I guess a kook can be right about some things while still being a kook. This guy seems to be a kook.

Craig said...

He's been out of the mainstream for quite a while, but he's definitely well into kook territory.