Friday, May 22, 2020


Who elected Biden as the final arbiter of who is black or not?

How is Biden’s comment not racist?

Feeling entitled much Joe?


Marshal Art said...

It's common for leftists, particularly white leftists, to imagine they can dictate how black people must feel, vote, what they're to believe, etc. To the leftist, black people aren't people. They're BLACK people and they will never be seen by leftists to be anything more. Those blacks who stray from the party line, who think for themselves and choose that which is opposed by leftists, are targets for derision. Note how the troll responded when I presented evidence that of black people who revere and have affection for the Confederate flag. He referred to them as "magic black people". Or recall how Dan has on more than one occasion scolded "Do you realize how that sounds to black people?" when expressing some truth about the black community, truths recognized by many black people. And of course we are well aware of the black race-hustlers who perpetuate the fallacies that lead to the re-election of Democratic politicians who've done nothing to improve the lives of anyone, much less the black community. Leftists dictate. That's what they do. And they'll dictate what you're to believe in order to acknowledged at all, and only how they choose to acknowledge you.

Craig said...

It’s pretty clear that many on the left regard the black community as monolithic and assume that they’ll always blindly vote DFL.

I’m impressed to see more and more younger blacks pushing back against this assumption that their skin color dictates their vote.

I really don’t care who people choose to vote for, I do care if they vote one way or another out of habit or expectation

I’ve written before about the problems the DFL will likely have as long as they continue to court groups with agendas that will harm their traditional voters. I imagine that the longer lived constituencies won’t be happy as their issues get ignored for the newer constituencies.

Marshal Art said...

Well, I can't say I don't care for whom people vote. But I do agree that those who vote in a knee-jerk fashion because of what letter follows a candidate's name.

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine in New Mexico, who is a member of a sheriff's department in some county down there. He himself is half-Cherokee, though you wouldn't know it to look at him. (He just turned 60 and I've known him since he was 17 and didn't know he was Cherokee until much, much later. He's a total white guy!) He has dealings with Navajo on a regular basis as his jurisdiction covers 3000 sq miles of desert and reservations and some small towns. He was saying how the Navajo he speaks with call themselves Indians and don't understand why people call them "Native-Americans", nor much care for it. But all the lefties down there insist on calling them Native Americans.

Craig said...

When I say that I don’t care, I’m simply pointing out that people should be able to choose who they vote for on their own. If they choose poorly, then they get the government they deserve.

“Because I (we) have always done something a certain way is almost always a bad reason to do something. But the argument is, “90% of blacks vote DFL, therefore all blacks should always vote DFL without even thinking about individual candidates or issues.”.

How enlightened.

Craig said...

Who’s got more credibility on this issue, some random white guy or Herschel Walker?

“Wow. I just watched former Vice President @JoeBiden... Does he not understand that black and brown skinned people can think for themselves. You don’t determine who we vote for.”

Craig said...

“@JoeBiden says that if I'm supporting @realDonaldTrump than I'm NOT black? Who the hell are you? You don't even know where I'm from. You didn't walk a day in my shoes. You didn't see my mom struggle. You didn't see me work hard to get where I'm at––and you say #Iaintblack?”

Craig said...

“Charlamagne says his overall takeaway from his talk with Joe Biden was: "He created legislation that hurt us." @cthagod also says Biden was on the front lines of mass incarceration.

On the other hand @realDonaldTrump signed prison reform into law. 👀”

Craig said...

“Charlamagne Tha God is right!

"We have been loyal to Democrats for a long time, Black people have invested a lot into that party and the return on investment has not been great.”

Craig said...

Yeah, Walker has absolutely no standing to talk about what black folks think, how absurd to think that he’d be more credible than random internet white dude.

Marshal Art said...

The troll said we can't comprehend that 90% of black people vote Democrat. I told him we can't comprehend why they do.

Craig said...

“My DNA, life experience, heritage and culture are what define my Blackness.

With all due respect, @JoeBiden, you don’t get to define who I am.”

Craig said...

The troll has his head up his ass trying to prove that he’s shed his whiteness because he hangs around with a few black people.

It’s a great tactic to ignore the Biden comment, and to (in the words of multiple black conservatives) keep blacks on the “liberal plantation “.

He’s literally defending idiocy.

Craig said...

“I must admit: the amount of black liberals who have called me a coon, sell-out, Uncle Tom, and house n**ger currently contorting themselves to defend @JoeBiden has been very much amusing.

Keep tap-dancing for massa.”

CJ Pearson

Marshal Art said...

"The troll has his head up his ass trying to prove that he’s shed his whiteness because he hangs around with a few black people."

You're not referring to our own troll, feo Dolezal, are you?

Craig said...

“Dear @JoeBiden,

Here's why you made the "you ain't black" comment. White liberals, who feel comfortable around blacks, think that blacks perceive them as "black." We don't.”

Craig said...

“"I have a record that is second to none. The NAACP’s endorsed me every time I’ve run."
--@JoeBiden 5/22/20

"We want to clarify that the @NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level."
--President @DerrickNAACP ”