Monday, May 4, 2020


There's a myth out there, mostly spread by folks on social media who don't look much past headlines, that essentially goes after the "Covid truthers".   The impression being given is that it's a bunch of right wing nuts driving the bus.   I honestly don't know enough, and am unwilling to follow this trail far enough to see what or who these people are.   What I am going to do is quote extensively from someone quite far to the left, and allow him to spin out his own conspiracy theories for your amusement.

"I am telling you very clearly. The world you knew is gone forever and we are now being prepared through the social isolation, mask wearing, snitching, and blind obedience to authority and its media, to a new way of being, a new robotic way of being, a controlled way of being. This is not about a virus. This is about control. There is no end in sight. Don’t get lost in the fear porn of the virus from the media. None of it can be trusted.

I am not afraid of the virus. The virus is manufactured. COVID is a movie. Real people die. But we have no idea what is really killing them. We are only told. We are told by the same movie-makers who gave us 9/11. It isn’t the wickedness in high places that causes the despair in me. It isn’t the wickedness of the elites who have unleashed this psychological operation upon us that causes me to fear awakening. The despair is caused by the reactions of others who not only accept what they are told but actively silence those who are searching for what is real and true. The despair is for the collective delusion of my fellow humans. We are descending into slavery, in which every aspect of our lives will be controlled. We are seeing it unfold now. We are not becoming enslaved by force, but by our own acquiescence.
That said, it is still force. This is a psychological operation enacted by transnational agents and personalities upon all of us. This has been planned for many decades, perhaps generations. But we could resist it if there were enough people who could see this for what it is and simply say, “We are not going to cooperate.”
That may happen. There are people who battle tirelessly to communicate what they have seen and have discovered that is contrary to the media propaganda, and they will continue to do this as long as they are able to do so.
But now this movement is being forced underground. As I see it, it will likely remain there for decades if not centuries. "

" he global elite have been thinking about this and planning for it for a long time. COVID is the implementation of the plan. COVID is a controlled demolition of the global economy. It is a contraction that is engineered to benefit the elite. Those plebians who survive this ritual of transformation to the new reality either will be incorporated into it, accepting all the elements of global control and servitude, or they will rebel and die, or they will be ushered into prison camps, however large or small they need to be as we see now in Gaza. This is my despair. This is happening.
The same people, by the way, who control the concentration camp that is Gaza are the same people who engineered 9/11 and this COVID operation. They are all part of the same cabal, the same cult of transnational agents and personalities. Read David Icke’s book Trigger. Hadn’t heard about that book? Oh, yes, you haven’t heard of it because Icke was banned from Facebook and Youtube. He is not acceptable. Who he names is why he is banned. More than most, in my opinion, David Icke gets what is happening and who is responsible. He is one of the witnesses who has been telling us for three decades what has been happening and he has been exposing these psychopathic monsters who are running our world. He was one of the earliest voices to show that 9/11 was a scam."

Just to provide some balance.  


Craig said...

Dan said the following.

"When you provide some words allegedly from some unidentified "left winger" and those rantings are clearly from some mad man/zealot type, I don't think you can say that you have provided a single bit of "balance."

Who is this? What in the hell is he/she saying?"

"Are you suggesting that there are some unbalanced nuts on the Left as well as the Right? Well, of course there. There are unhinged people in all belief systems."

He said somme other things that weren't really on topic.

Are you suggesting that there are some unbalanced nuts on the Left as well as the Right? Well, of course there. There are unhinged people in all belief systems.

Craig said...

This "mad man/zealot type" is a gentleman by the name of John Shuck. He's an ordained PCUSA minister, author, radio host, and blogger. The name of his blog is "Progressive Spirit", he (like you) has described himself as a "Progressive Christian".

Craig said...

To put a point on it. This particular "progressive" is promulgating things that are just as crazy if not crazier that the people who are getting shredded by liberals on social media.

But the narrative is that this is a problem of the "right wing". Clearly it's not.

"some words"

I've provided large portions of the post in question (large enough to establish context), and I've devoted a post to this gentleman within the last several weeks including links.

My point, which I think succeeded, was to quote significant sections of his work to see if it prompted people to question his political views.

Craig said...


Perhaps you should read first, then respond to what I actually say. It doesn't help when you twist things around. I never said it was a left wing problem, what I did say is that the narrative that it is excursively a right wing issue is wrong.

As to the non violent and peaceful protests that some conservatives have engaged in, who are you to deny them their rights? Who are you to determine what is acceptable for peaceful, non violent protests?

The fact that we aren't seeing liberals (clearly an assumption on your part) protesting the denial of their first amendment rights isn't something I'd necessarily be proud of.

Craig said...

Blogger Dan Trabue said...

This IS a problem from the right wing. Largely. There are mentally ill or troubled or just odd people on the Left, too, as this guy demonstrates. But it's not a Left Wing problem. It's a Right Wing problem in the protests that are happening in state capitols, with their little guns and confederate flags

Craig said...


Perhaps you should read first, then respond to what I actually say. It doesn't help when you twist things around. I never said it was a left wing problem, what I did say is that the narrative that it is excursively a right wing issue is wrong.

As to the non violent and peaceful protests that some conservatives have engaged in, who are you to deny them their rights? Who are you to determine what is acceptable for peaceful, non violent protests? Speaking for the MI protest, I've seen a picture of ONE confederate flag in a group estimated at 4000 protesters. Are you really going to impugn 3,999 people for the actions of 1? Actions that are protected under the first amendment.

The fact that we aren't seeing liberals (clearly an assumption on your part) protesting the denial of their first amendment rights isn't something I'd necessarily be proud of.

The fact that you have to impute violence and racism where none explicitly exists speaks volumes.

Marshal Art said...

How do we know that all of these anti-lockdown protesters are necessarily right-wing? I would assume most are because the right-wing is more likely to understand the Constitution better and as a result recognize when government is acting contrary to it, but I have no data regarding the protesters to say one way or another.

I'm also not sure how many "armed up". All pics I've seen seem to be the same people, and they seem to be small in number as a percentage of all who attended. One report suggests most of them are from some unnamed militia group. Carrying weapons at a protest where Constitutionally protected rights is the theme doesn't seem to me to be necessarily odd, particularly since none of them caused any problems or threatened anyone. Oh sure, open possession may be threatening, but that doesn't mean the intention was to threaten anyone. I would concede that given the situation in states like Michigan, it might not have been a bad idea to have such people so as to prevent government officials from moving on the crowd who is in violation of unnecessary and unconstitutional prohibitions. But the threat as such is inferred, not necessarily intended. But since no one seemed interested in interviewing any of those brandishing, how can we know?

In pics I've seen thus far, only one showed an Confederate flag, which I described in a previous post. All nazi-themed signs were referencing the state government and their draconian prohibitions...NOT identifying the protesters themselves as nazis.

Of course, I'm not a former journalism student who won any award for my writing, so I'm more likely to research what I'm being shown and told, not simply making knee-jerk assumptions that align with my ideology.

Craig said...

That is an excellent question. Would it be reasonable to conclude that these particular infringements of our first amendment rights don't bother the left? They certainly protest to infringe other rights, as well as to protect rights that aren't enumerated. They also don't seem to have a problem making up new rights, but these protesters are wrong.

It's clearly a minority of the protesters that are armed, which doesn't make a difference to my point. I completely agree that the lack of violence, the peaceful nature of the protest, and the discipline of those with arms have been submerged in the narrative. Certainly any alleged threats were inferred, not expressed. Although I have heard of threatening phone calls, but absent evidence of who and why, I'm not sure that those rumors add to the conversation.

I agree that I've only seen one guy with a confederate flag, and that the only signs referencing the NAZIs have been anti NAZI (of course why let facts get in the way of the narrative). If there were lots of those things, the press likely would have shown them or framed the pictures to make it appear as if there were more.

As far as the press coverage goes, I am dissapointed that I've seen nothing from the mainstream media that indicates that they spoke to any of the protesters, specifically the armed ones.

I am a former journalism student, who got my bachelor's degree in it (no awards), and because of what I learned, I'm also likely to research and not simply believe what's beingreported.