Tuesday, June 14, 2022

AOC is a Genius.

AOC Tweeted out  a list of the top 10 most dangerous cities recently and failed to mention that all 10 are cities ruled by Democrats for decades.   

Just a couple of articles about how DFL policies are going.




Marshal Art said...

People actually cast votes for morons like AOC and Joe Biden. When we see the horrors occurring daily in Dem run cities and states, it's absurd I'd be attacked for calling those who vote for Dems "stupid". Given the reality, such should result in universal agreement. But that just shows how "stupid" they really are!

Craig said...

Look at the material Schellenburger is putting out in CA, and then look at the idiots on The View talking about re electing Newsome because he's a hottie or whatever. Look at what Schellenburger has said about housing and addiction, it's pretty good stuff. Yet he's clearly not a conservative. Watching the horror show in Seattle and SF and pretending that it's unrelated to their governing bodies is simply stupid.