Friday, June 3, 2022


I haven't watched the whole thing, but the clips from What Is A Woman by Matt Walsh are hilarious.   Listening to some white liberal threaten to shut down the interview because he find seeking the Truth objectionable is awesome.  Watching (black) African tribesmen trying to come to grips with the notion of "transgender" is priceless.


Marshal Art said...

I've only seen one clip so far...on Tucker Carslon Tonight. Two people who aren't what any self-respecting lefty (if such a person exists) would want as spokespeople for the cause.

Dan Trabue said...

Mocking fellow human beings who have often been oppressed by people like you is humorous to you?

Shame on you.

For each transgender person who ends their life because family, friends, church members and complete strangers have harassed and mocked them, that death is on your head.

Craig said...

The clips I've seen contain zero mocking. What I've seen is Matt giving people ample opportunities to answer very simple direct questions, and the people he's interviewing finding excuses to not answer, or threaten to leave the interview.

I'm sure some of them will plead ignorance, but if they didn't do their due diligence before the interview that's on them.

Craig said...


The clip where he interviews a guy who went under the knife is powerful, this guy is a hero. His name is Scott Newgent.

Marshal Art said...

Mockery of those who act stupidly, live lies and promote those lies as reality...yeah...I'll do that because their every expression in support of your disordered and immoral choices are worthy of no more than that. That is, aside from real counseling which seems unavailable these days.

There is absolutely no one who is anything like me who has ever been involved with "oppressing" anyone of the LGBT carnival of clowns. Speaking the truth, even in a mocking manner, is not oppression. Ripping the unborn limb from limb is oppression.

For each transgender person who ends their life because family, friends, church members and complete strangers have harassed and mocked them, that death is on them alone. Note how those who have been drained of their life's savings because of harassment and vitriol from LGBT clowns don't kill themselves. These people who kill themselves because others won't pander to their perversions have only sealed their eternal fate...a fate they chose and toward which they were heading anyway. What they hoped or pretended would be true for them never was, including inclusion in God's presence. Their suicides just made sure of it.

Shame on those who pander and enable those people and do nothing to bring them to truth.

Dan Trabue said...

The clips I've seen contain zero mocking.

I'm not talking about Walsh. I'm talking about you... finding humor and delight in embarrassing people... Shame on you.

Craig said...

Who am I embarrassing? I'm confused. You support mocking people who offer "thoughts and prayers", yet criticize me for finding people who freely choose to spout absurd, irrational, incoherent, nonsense, on camera amusing. How bizarre. These people freely chose to participate, knowing what they were getting in to. The fact that they make themselves look stupid is their own fault. No shame in finding humor in people who choose to embarrass themselves.

Marshal Art said...

The reality is we find humor and delight in people embarrassing themselves. Having just watched "What Is A Woman", it's clear those who promote the agenda are unable to defend what is so obviously disordered and perverse to rational people. Dan finds expressing the truth that LGBT are disordered and perverse to be some sort of attack. That would mean telling a cancer patient he's sick is also an attack. Imagine a cancer patient whining about being harassed because someone called them "sick".

I was most impressed with the tribesmen responding to Walsh's queries, particularly in insisting such nonsense is unknown to and among them. This flies in the face of the assertion that every culture deals with this the way the LGBTs demand of us. They regard it any of the letters of the a mental problem. It's obvious to them. A given. No doubt about it. They feel as they do because they don't buy into that which is so obviously false. What's more, they don't have among them any who would pretend THEY have a problem for acknowledging truth.

Marshal Art said...

"No shame in finding humor in people who choose to embarrass themselves."

Indeed. Case in point: Dan Trabue, whose every post and comment is mock-worth because in expressing himself, he embarrasses himself.

Craig said...

Dan has no problem mocking, excoriating, and unleashing vitriol and expletives on those he disagrees with, but is quite content to judge others harshly for behavior much less egregious than his. Even more so because if his ignorance.