Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Random Stuff

"The Supreme Court just ruled that public school teachers can pressure students to join in prayer at public school events but can also retaliate against those that don’t join in. Religious freedom is dead in America."


Ilhan Omar


I guess Truth is dead as well, because this is just one more instance of Omar lying through her teeth.


"If you go after the left and you're not a Trump person, people have no f*****g idea how to even approach arguing with you, so they just proceed  as though you are a Trump person and bring him up incessantly"

Noam Blum


"Supreme court upholds gun rights"

 Libs: But black people will have gun rights.

Cons:  OK


Supreme Court protects religious liberty

Libs: But Muslims will have religious liberty

Cons:  OK


Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade

Libs: But men will have to take care of kids.

Cons: U ok?"


Christine Pushaw


"Federal prosecutors say two male teachers in Hawaii and Philly distributed child pornography the creayed with their male high school students.  One had been outspokenly against the use of the word "groomer" @NewsweekOpinion." 


Pedro L. Gonzalez


"At it's root, the entire abortion debate is a debate over whether parents have a duty to care for their children, who came into the world solely as the result of their parent's actions."


Alexandra DeSanctis Marr 

"In France most abortions are illegal under any circumstances after the 14th week of pregnancy, medical abortions are hard to get, & doctors can refuse to provide abortioons on religious grounds or under a "conscience clause"

 Any Questions?"


"When courts allow politicians to control our personal medical decisions, people suffer."

Planned Parenthood

"Birth control pills are available over the counter in most other countries. The “morning-after pill,” better known as Plan B, is already available over the counter in America

Most American women favor making the birth control pill accessible over the counter. According to a 2017 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, three-quarters of women of reproductive age support over-the-counter access to birth control pills. 

So why hasn’t it happened? It must be that awful, religious-right-dominated GOP that’s standing in the way, right?

Actually, not so much.

Republicans, in fact, have repeatedly tried to make birth control pills available without a prescription, only to face opposition from . . . Democrats and Planned Parenthood

Why Planned Parenthood doesn't support it

Yes, you heard that right. Democrats — and Planned Parenthood — have fought against making it easier for women to get birth control pills. Why? Well, they have their reasons.

In Planned Parenthood’s case, it’s probably, according to Hadley Heath Manning writing in Forbes, because they’d make less money. “Planned Parenthood’s stance on expanding access to birth control may be illogical in light of their mission statement, but it is perfectly logical when you consider the group’s financial interests.” Planned Parenthood brings in 1.7 billion dollars in revenue annually according to it's latest financial report and contraception accounts for 27% of the services they provide. "


"Imagine being mayor of a major city, spending money on a monument that depicts the accomplishments of black people, and deciding on a hair pick.  They would recall a white mayor for demeaning us.  Instead, we'll shout "Yaass Queen" and pretend nothing is wrong."

Jason Whitlock



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