Monday, June 27, 2022


 There are a lot of people on social media spreading a lot of lies, and fearmongering about the possible next dominoes to fall after Roe.   Mostly this is based, it seems, on a misreading of (Uncle) Clarence Thomas' opinion on the Dobbs case.   Without going into details, I think that the fearmongering raises some interesting questions.

Roe was decided in 1973.  Since 1973 we have had 4 DFL presidents and multiple instances where the DFL had majorities in congress.

The questions are as follows.

1.  Given the fact that conservatives have been actively engaged in trying to repeal Roe v. Wade since 1973, why are those on the APL so surprised and unprepared for this happening?

2.  Why has there been virtually zero effort to legislate the Roe standards into law in the past 49 years?

3.  As the fearmongering over other cases that will allegedly be overturned grows, why is no one asking why those protections haven't been legislated either?

I'll admit that I was as surprised at this decision as anyone, but it's not like the DFL hasn't been campaigning and fundraising on the fear of Roe being overturned for decades.  I think that maybe y'all shouldn't be mad at the folks who actually did what they said they'd do (overturn Roe), so much as you should be mad at the folks who spent the last 50 years raising money, and making promises they made little or no effort to keep.    It's almost like the having the fear of Roe being overturned as a motivation and a fundraising tool was more important to the DFL than actually protecting the Roe standards.   Maybe that's what y'all should be worried about with all the other instances of legislating through the courts. 

1 comment:

Craig said...

Just a warning. "The GOP wouldn't let them do it." is not an acceptable answer by itself. In the absence of specific bills that the DFL legislators, or a DFL president proposed and submitted, and a specific example of those bill being voted down in committee, or the full body, I'll just ignore the excuse.