Tuesday, September 5, 2023

OMG-One More "Gaffe"



If one looks at the above video, it seems quite clear that Biden refers to his Secretary of Transportation  as "Secretary Booty Juice".

It's likely that this is just one more of what so many dismiss as "gaffes" that plague Biden.   Yet, the fact that they put so much faith in someone who makes one of these "gaffes" regularly, while demonizing GOP politicians (Quayle comes to mind) for committing a singular "gaffe".

Of course, "booty juice" could only refer to two things, neither pleasant.    Obviously the first would be diarrhea,  the second would be something else entirely. 


Anonymous said...

1. Your link is no good.
2. J Biden has a speech impediment
3. Are you, what? An immature 13 year old?

Anything to demonize the Democrats, though, no matter the reality. This is what the modern GOP has devolved into.

Quite sad.


Craig said...

I have no idea why the link didn't work for you, it's a pretty straightforward search I can't believe you can't find it on your own.

Excellent excuse, this "speech impediment" is that he stutters, or at least did so when he was younger. Unfortunately his more recent "gaffes" (Snopes word, not mine), don't involve stuttering.

No, I'm much older and occasionally immature, I'm sorry I don't live up to your high expectations of me.

But really, excellent job, trying to twist this around to pretend that pointing out Biden's well documented "gaffes" and repeated lies are anything but following the same template the left has used since at least Reagan.

Not as sad as the doddering old guy y'all elected president.

Marshal Art said...

I finally clicked on your link and it continually took me to Ted Koppel reporting on the secession movement in Oregon. So I googled "Booty Juice gaffe", because, you know...I just had a wild hair up my butt to try something so obvious...and found this:


It doesn't go any further than the typical Biden malaprop, but it's certainly enough to hear him spew it. I'm not up to really digging up the entire "speech" begun with this bit of hilarity...a more appropriately hilarious mistake would be hard to make, given the person referenced...but I doubt that's the worst thing he said.

The irony is that another well known mental midget said to me just this morning:

"Is it just the case that you can't see, don't understand that they are talking as if they are idiots, and not in a responsible, reasonable adult manner?"

But he was stupidly speaking of intelligent people, not the likes of a Dem and certainly not the likes of Joe Biden. (Bootyjuice is no Einstein, either. That's for DAMNED sure!)

Craig said...


It's interesting that the link isn't working, I checked it before I put it in the post. Fortunately, it's easy to find.

The point isn't so much that Biden has a long and well documented history of such "gaffes", it's more that people like Dan will go to such lengths to defend those "gaffes" as being of no importance. These are the same people who regularly jump on conservatives for making even one "gaffe" as if it renders them unfit for anything.

At some point soon, I'll post on Biden's recent news conference where his handlers simply shut him down in the middle of a rambling, nonsensical, response to a reporter. It seems clear that these raise questions of Biden's fitness and the willingness of the DFL to run Biden regardless of his ability to function.